Sunrise ~ Ch23

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

After a long day of mopping the temple grounds, I went to the east wing where I was supposed to be sleeping now. It felt odd to me, laying down on the futon rather than the cold marble floor. But I forced myself to stay put, knowing that I'd have to learn how to sleep in a bed again someday. My futon was laid directly in the floor so this was as close enough as I'd allow myself to get anymore.

My arms ached as I got myself in a comfortable position to sleep in, having used nothing but a mop all day. I hadn't even been able to go back to translating, mopping from the moment the Lord gave me the order all the way until every room was sparkling. I'd only cleaned three wings of the temple, the north wind being the only one that I did not touch since that was not part of my jurisdiction. I'm sure it was only Uraume allowed within the North wing and nobody else.

Exhaustion took ahold of me wrappings round me like a giant snake. I let out a deep tired sigh as I closed my eyes, my throbbing arms losing feeling as I allowed the darkness to wash over me. I let myself give into the comfort of the futon and the blanket over my body, feeling such warmth that I hadn't felt in so long. Only seconds later, I was asleep. And that was when the dreams came charging in, like warriors ready to conquer my mind.

Flashback ~ Three weeks ago

I was woken up by the sound of a soft knock at my shutters, making me stir from my spot on the cold wood floor. My mother was saving her payments for a staw rug that we'd possibly try to transition ourselves into sleeping on, working our way up to an actual bed. She was really determined to overcome the trauma we went through in China, when I myself wasn't too bothered with overcoming it. I just wanted to live now.

"(Y/n)-chan!" A young voice whispered, tapping once again on the shutters, making me squint my eyes as I sat up.
"Yumi?" I asked groggily as I stood up and made my way to the shutters. I slid open the bolt and widened the shutters, unveiling an enthusiastic child with a grin plastered across her face.
"Did you miss me?" She giggled before using her small hands to begin gently pushing me to the side, "Now, move! It's cold out here!"

I sighed as I helped the girl through the window, as quietly as possible so that we wouldn't wake my mother. Her shifts with the Lord Sukuna were from 6am to 9pm, so naturally that with the additional factor of her age, it was getting quite strenuous for her. Currently, I was in the process of talking to a lady called Uraume. She was currently testing my ability of reading Chinese in order to see if I'd be a sufficient translator for the Lord Sukuna.

Once I pass, I could then take over a few of my mother's shifts and slowly one day transition into taking all of them so that she may retire peacefully. She currently worked too hard and so it was important that she rest. But as Yumi climbed through the window and accidentally kicked the shutter against the wall loudly, she proved that that dream was going to be difficult.
"Yumi, what are you doing? What time even is it?" I asked her as I popped my head out of the window, seeing that the sun hadn't even risen yet.

"I think we're just an hour away from dawn." She replied chipperly. I sighed as I came closer to her, adjusting my shackles once I felt them dig into my wrists. Yumi's known me for just over a year now, and she's never once asked about my cuffs. She's only commented on them being an odd fashion choice.
"Dawn? Yumi, why are you even awake, right now? And why have you woken me too?" I asked her.

"I wanted to watch the sunrise with you!" The girl told me eagerly. I looked down at her, completely unimpressed.
"The sunrise?" I echoed, making her grin.
"Yes! You will join me, won't you?! Oh, please say you will!" She begged dramatically, rushing over to me and grabbing onto my arms pleadingly.
"Yumi, I don't know." I told her. If I left the house now, I probably wouldn't be able to say goodbye to my mother before she left for today's work. She'd wonder where I was and possibly worry about me during the entirety of today's shift.

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