Favourite Toy ~ Ch18

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3rd Point Of View

"I have assigned you this room as it is the closest to where you work." Uraume told (Y/n) who was barely listening, staring uncomfortably through her open door into the room opposite her, accomodated by a man who looked just over forty, who would not stop grinning at her from where he laid on his bed.
"I can have a new desk moved in that corner there so that you may work on your translations in here too if that is what you wish." Uruame offered, snapping (Y/n) out of her trance.

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." (Y/n) replied with a grateful smile. This new room Uruame had assigned her were surrounded by other workers of all genders, these being the older rooms compared to the newer built ones closer to the exit of the temple. The room was small and cramped, big enough for the bed and a wardrobe but nothing more. To get a desk in here would mean to decide to take away her bed or the wardrobe. But to be fair, she had no use for either of those.

"If you're sure." Uraume nodded as she laid out a blanket on the bed, "Would you like help moving your personal belongings from your home in Shimutsui Village to this room? I'm sure another worker would be happy to help you." Uraume offered, making (Y/n) gulp as her eyes flickered on the old man across the hall momentarily who perked up at the idea. Uruame had yet to notice his presence.

"No, that's quite alright. I don't have much personal belongings other than a few old kimonos that I won't need to work anymore while working for Lord Sukuna." (Y/n) told the white haired lady, motioning down to her black attire. Her red and white handsewn kimonos no longer hand any use when the only colour she could wear was black. Uruame then nodded in agreement.

"Could you grab the pillows that I've set down in the halls?" The lady asked, making (Y/n) nod as she walked towards the door. Her eyes then hesitantly flickered over to the adjacent room only to find that the door was now closed and the old man was nowhere in sight. Odd. (Y/n) shook her head and then left the room and turned the corner only to gasp in fright and stumble back at the sight of her Lord, leaning against the wall beside her door, his leg propped up casually with his arms crossed over his chest.

Uraume grunted out in pain, falling to her knees after feeling the girl's fear, making (Y/n) turn her head to look at her with apologetic eyes before turning back to look at Lord Sukuna who looked nothing but amused, a smirk on his lips. Just how long had he been there?
"You do not plan to sleep in this room at all, do you?" Sukuna asked the girl with an entertained chuckle. (Y/n) gulped, her eyes widening ever so slightly after being caught so easily by him. Maybe she could deny it?

"And don't even think about lying to me, woman." Sukuna added with a raised brow, as it he could hear her thought. (Y/n)'s shoulders then sagged in defeat.
"I... apologise, my Lord. The gesture was truly thoughtful." The girl told him guiltily, unable to look him in the eyes.
"I didn't do order it to be thoughtful, brat. Now tell me the reason." Sukuna said, glaring down at (Y/n).

It was that that he noticed the young girl's eyes flicker to the door quickly and then to the closed door adjacent to her 'new room' before plotting her eyes back on the ground with pursed lips.
"It's...nothing, sir." She lied. Sukuna chuckled as the puzzle pieces connected in his mind.
"Ah, I see. Your fear of confined spaces enables you from closing your bedroom door as you sleep, and if you were to leave it open then you'd be at risk of being taken advantage of by other workers who live on-site." Sukuna chuckled darkly.

"I...am completely fine with my current set up, my lord." (Y/n) told him, not confirming nor denying the statement that they both knew was true. Sukuna smirked as he stared down at the girl.
"Well, as it turns out, I am not." Sukuna replied before turning his head to look at Uruame who had just about recovered from the pain (Y/n) had spread to her from her earlier jumpscare.

"Uruame." Sukuna called out.
"Yes, my Lord." She answered.
"Is the east wing still empty or have the curse users repurposed it already?" Sukuna asked the lady, making her eyes go wide in shock. Surely he was not about to suggest what she thought he was going to. She gulped and nodded.
"It is still empty, my lord. The curse users have instead repurposed the underground holding cells." Uraume told the man hesitantly.

"Then move the picky brat into the main hall of the east wing." Sukuna said, making both (Y/n)'s and Uraume's eyes go wide.
"B-but, my Lord." She stuttered.
"It's the side of the temple I've found no use for. The main hall is open-plan and has high ceilings. It should be sufficient for a fussy brat like this one." Sukuna grinned, laying his hand over (Y/n)'s head as he leaned down to look her in the eyes victoriously.

"Move her in by this evening. Must I repeat the fact that I refuse to walk over sleeping bodies while walking through my own temple." Sukuna told Uraume with a raised brow before looking back down at (Y/n) with a smirk before walking away. (Y/n) gulped, stumbling back into bedroom until she was sat on the bed that was assigned to her a mere two minutes ago.

Meanwhile Uraume left the room and hurriedly followed Sukuna down the hall.
"My Lord." She called out, making him turn around on his heel.
"I just...I don't understand. Why are you putting in so much effort for her? To give her the east wing? Why?" Uruame asked with confusion. She's known Sukuna for a very long time, and never has she seen the man act like this for anyone, no matter their strength. Sukuna grinned before saying,

"Because Uraume, a man cannot be bored when his new favourite toy is just down the hall."

(A.N ~ Status updated. Level - Favourite Toy.)

Chapter 19 Quote Teaser :

"The only outcome of a domain expansion from a (L/n) is death. So, tell me brat, who is it you plan on killing?"

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