One, Two, Three ~ Ch67

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3rd Point Of View

After her brave idea to kiss Sukuna on the cheek, (Y/n) ran to her assigned wing of the temple. It was fairly late already so she'd decided to finally head to bed for some much needed rest. She hadn't gotten enough good sleep lately because there was always something to ruin it- like her hangover or menstral cramps. The girl slid into bed eagery, read for sleep to collect her- only, she couldn't seem to fall asleep for the life of her.

She tossed and turned and swivelled within her blankets for hours, desperate for rest, only to end up on her again, staring at the ceiling with a frown. It was annoying when you were so incredibly tired and yet sleep refused to acknowledge that fact, leaving you begging to slip out of consciousness. Something felt odd to (Y/n) and she wasn't sure if it was because she was still recovering the excitement of from kissing Sukuna on the cheek or if it was because she simply no longer liked sleeping in the east wing.

It's not that she didn't feel safe here- because she always did. But it was mostly because she'd gotten a taste of how it was to sleep beside Sukuna and she hadn't realised how much she missed sleeping in the presence of someone else. She forgot how comforting it was. After realising this, (Y/n) stood to her feet with a loud huff before collecting her blankets and pillows into her arms.

She marched down the hallw ithout a purpose or plan, cuddling her blankets to her chest as she pushed on ahead. It was only apparent to her that she was heading to Sukuna's bedroom when she quietly opened the doors to his chambers, sneaking in quietly. Maybe she could sleep on Sukuna's floor without Sukuna even noticing- while he was still asleep?

But when the girl had entered his room, she realised her stealthy plan would not at all be possible after seeing that the king of curses was still awake, reading a scroll on his bed while his room illuminated by lanterns. After making brief eye-contact with him, (Y/n)'s plan changed from stealth to faux confidence. Now, her only chance was to pretend that she meant to be here with his knowledge- that it was definitely what she expected when walking inside.

"Sukuna." (Y/n) whined upon entering, pouting. Sukuna raised his brow in response, humming in response as he continued to read through his scroll.
"I can't sleep." The (L/n) girl frowned with a frustrated huff.
"And how is that my problem- especially, after your audacious little stunt earlier." Sukuna asked boredly, making (Y/n) roll her eyes.

"Because you lied to me and you need to make up for it?" (Y/n) replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Sukuna's eyes flickered up and over his scroll, looking at (Y/n) with a raised brow. (Y/n) waited for a few seconds for his reply nervously, thinking that he might scold her for bring that up.
"You can't use that one forever." Sukuna grumbled before averting his attention back to his scroll.

"Maybe not, but I can try." (Y/n) giggled as she eagerly skipped into Sukuna's bedroom. She made her way to the floor beside his bed, laying down her blankets across the floor the same way she had when she'd first slept in Sukuna's room. After seeing what she was doing, Sukuna let out a loud sigh.
"I see that you came prepared- as I'd you knew I'd be forced to agree to your wishes." Sukuna mumbled, mentioning the blankets and pillows.

"Yes, because you can't say no to me." (Y/n) smiled teasingly from her spot on the floor, puffing up her pillows as Sukuna narrowed his eyes, "Especially, after hurting my feelin-" Sukuna cut her off quickly, rolling his eyes back.
"Okay, I get it." He snapped, "Now, get in your damned bed and sleep." (Y/n) giggled and she laid out her last final blanket, slipping in beneath the sheets once she was finally happy with her makeshift floor bed.

Once she was settled in, she stared up at Sukuna's golden ceilings.
"I like sleeping here." (Y/n) admitted softly with a smile, making Sukuna scoff loudly.
"Why? Because you like bothering me?" Sukuna asked her sarcastically as he unravelled more of his scroll.
"No... I just realised like sleeping in presence of someone else. It kind of gives me a false sense of security." (Y/n) whispered, "I hate sleeping alone. Before my mother passed, I don't think sleeping alone is something that I've ever really done."

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