I clenched my jaw, feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on. Dealing with Round Face's incessant pleas was not how I wanted to spend my morning. "Look, I said no. End of story. Now leave before I lose my temper."

Round Face seemed to deflate at my harsh words, her shoulders slumping in defeat. With a defeated sigh, she turned on her heel and walked back towards the elevator without another word.

"Mrrrow" I looked down to see Soot looking up at me. I smiled, patting my lap as an invitation, and she quickly hopped up. Suddenly I heard the elevator ding again. I sighed

"Round Face I said-...Todoroki" I grumbled as the smug white-haired man strutted over to me. "What do you want, bastard"

Touya belongs to one of our company's Competitors "Endeavor Enterprise". A little weird-sounding name for a fashion company.

"I'm simply here for business darling Katsuki, calm down" he purred leaning against my desk.

I raised an eyebrow at him, not buying his charade for a second. "What do you want, Todoroki? I'm stationed here for a reason, so save your unnecessary flirting for someone else."

Touya smirked, leaning in closer to me. "Oh dear Katsuki, sometimes you forget the importance of maintaining business relationships, even with other companies. Perhaps you should come over sometime, see how things are run when all goes properly."

I crossed my arms, skepticism in my eyes. "And why would I want to do that? Your company's headquarters is across town and Endeavor Enterprise is an overblown fashion company with no potential to collaborate."

Touya chuckled, brushing off my dismissive comment. "My dear Katsuki, you underestimate us" he grinned

"I think it's merely an observation with you all the way at number 5 on the charts, stay in your league" I growled trying to return to my work.

Touya raised an eyebrow at me, his smirk turning into a cold stare. "We're not done yet, Katsuki. Your company's success is a mere fragment of what we can achieve. Endeavor Enterprise is more than just a fashion company; we have our sights set on the future in ways your company can't even begin to comprehend."

I rolled my eyes, trying to focus on my work yet again" Yeah yeah, we all know you and your people at Endeavor Enterprise just love playing dirty when shit isn't working for you" I pointed out "Get outta my face"

Touya narrowed his eyes, clearly not impressed with my dismissal. He stood up straight, his white hair falling perfectly into place, and fixed me with a cold stare. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Katsuki," he hissed. "We play our own games, and you're only a pawn in this. Be careful not to underestimate us, or you may find yourself on the losing end."

With that, he turned on his heel and left my office,

I chuckled to myself rolling my eyes. "All bark and no bite" I mused as I continued what I was doing. Throughout the day I couldn't get the thought of Izuku out of my head, what would he be like as my Dom, would he be like Touya or would he be too gentle? I sighed heavily as my mind continued to spiral with thoughts of him being my Dominant.

As the day went on, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Izuku Midoriya and the possibility of him being my Dom. The image of his dark aura mixed with his soothing voice played on repeat in my head, making it hard to focus on anything else.

Just as I was about to finally give up on getting any work done for the day and indulge in my fantasies, there was a knock on my office door. Irritated at the interruption, I called out, "What is it now?" without bothering to look up.

"Damn, bad day?" I looked up seeing Shitty Hair grinning widely, a brown bag in hand "Brought lunch"

I raised an eyebrow at Kirishima as he entered my floor, a grin plastered on his face. He was always full of energy and positivity, a sharp contrast to my own brooding demeanor. "What are you so happy about?" I grumbled though the corners of my mouth twitched upwards despite myself.

Kirishima chuckled, setting the brown bag on my desk. "Just thought you could use a pick-me-up," he replied cheerfully. "You sound pretty tense. Take a break and eat something."

I sighed, realizing how hungry I actually was. "Fine," I conceded, opening the bag to find a sandwich and a bottle of my favorite drink inside. Kirishima knew me too well sometimes, it was annoying.

As I unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite, Kirishima leaned against my desk. "So, what's been bothering you today?" he asked casually.

"The new Dom at the club obviously" I grumbled in annoyance watching as Shitty Hair's grin somehow got wider at my mention of the new Dom at the club. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, clearly eager to delve into the topic. "Ah, Midoriya, right? I heard he's got quite the reputation already. You interested in trying him out, Bakugou?" he teased.

I scowled at Kirishima, not in the mood for his playful banter. "It's none of your damn business, Shitty Hair," I muttered, taking another bite of my sandwich to avoid further conversation.

But Kirishima was undeterred, leaning in closer with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Come on, Bakugou, don't be so uptight. You've been looking for a new Dom for ages now. Midoriya might just be what you need."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "they're always either too much or too little" I groaned giving Soot some of the chicken from my sandwich. She happily took it before returning to purring on my lap.

Kirishima simply chuckled, understanding my frustration all too well. "Well, maybe you should give him a chance, Bakugou. You never know until you try."

I raised an eyebrow at him, not fully convinced by his words. "Why should I? I have standards, Shitty Hair, and he doesn't seem to meet them." I lied through my teeth

Kirishima's grin widened, making me want to roll my eyes even more. "Oh, come on, Bakugou. You're just as curious as little Sooty over there. Besides, where's the fun in never taking a risk?"

As much as I hated to admit it, Kirishima had a point. I had been feeling stagnant in my searches for a new Dom and maybe, just maybe, Izuku could offer me something different.

"Fine," I conceded, "I'll consider it" Like I wasn't already. As the day came to a close I once again noticed I simply could not get that man Outta My Mind.

🎵I'm out of my head, out of my mind, oh, I
If you let me, I'll be
Out of my dress and into your arms tonight
Yeah, I'm lost without it
Feels like I'm always waitin'
I need you to come get me
Out of my head, and into your arms tonight, tonight🎵


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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