Aegon turns around and cups his face in his hands, "Let me go. I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found."

Aemond looks into his eyes, trying to decide whether to let him go or not, then he suddenly asks.

"What about Reina?"

His question makes Aegon's smile fade away, his eyes widen, his mind going back to his girl. "Reina?"

"Yes, brother. Would you leave her alone, here?" Aemond asks him, if his brother will say yes, then he will let him run away. Deep inside, he knows his answer will be negative, knowing that Aegon really loves Reina.

Aegon shakes his head and a tear rolls down his cheek, "Bring her to me. I will take her with me-"

Criston puts an arm around his shoulder, "The Queen awaits." he says.

The guard takes him away and Aemond looks around still thinking about his brother's plea. He should have let him go, he would have if Ser Criston would have not interfered. He would have bring him his wife and give them the chance at happiness. At a peaceful life, far away from this cursed city.


Otto is writing a letter when the door opens, his daughter stepping in.

"Well played." he says.

"None of this is a game." the Queen replies.

"And yet you treat it as one." he stands up, "A charming contest, the prize, a pouch of silver."

"We have relied on one another these many years. And now it is the good of the family that we both desire." he approaches his daughter. "Whatever our differences, our hearts remain as one."

"Our hearts were never one." she replies, "I see that now. Rather, I have been a piece that you moved about the board."

"If that is true, then I made you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Otto says. "Would you have desired it otherwise?"

Alicent scoffs, "How could I know? I wanted whatever you impressed upon me to want. And now the debt comes due."

"A debt you were happy enough to pay-"

"A sacrifice." he interrupts her, "A sacrifice made for the stability of the realm. No king has ever lived that hasn't had to forfeit the lives of a few to protect the many."

"Though I understand your squeamishness-"

"Reluctance to murder is not a weakness!" Alicent snaps, "I have Aegon. We will proceed now as I see fit."

She paces back and forth into the dark room, "We will send terms to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. True terms, such that she may accept without shame."

"If she lives, her allies will mass behind her banners, looking for her return." Otto replies back.

"Then she must not return. My husband would have desired this mercy be shown to his daughter."

"Your husband?" Otto asks, looking suspiciously at her, "Or you, his daughter's childhood companion?"

Alicent sighs, looking down.

"Criston Cole will be named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. My son will be anointed tomorrow at dawn. The whole of King's Landing must witness his ascent. He will assume authority. There will be no more dithering. My son will take the crown of his namesake, the Conqueror, and carry Blackfyre, his sword. Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen." she rambles.

"You look so much like your mother in certain lights." the man sighs.


Aegon eats from his plate, munching the food his mother gave him.

Reina sits on the bed, watching him, with tears in her eyes. She caresses her belly, hoping they will all be fine.

"Aemond told me you wanted to run away." she breaks the silence.

"I wanted at first, when I saw that they cornered me. But I could not." he answers.

"He also told me that he would have let you if Ser Criston would not have been with you."

"Did he?" he looks over at her. She nods.

"Why did you not run away before they caught you?"

"Because I could not leave you, when he asked me if I would leave you alone I pleaded him to bring you to me. I wanted to run away with you, I wanted that so bad." his voice cracks, pushing his plate away.

Reina sighs, sadness filling her heart.

"It is alright. We will be alright."

"No, we will not. Rhaenyra will come to take her throne sooner or later and I do not want to die, I do not want to lose you!" Aegon exclaims.

The woman sits up, " will not die, my love. I assure you, stop crying. It breaks my heart to see you like this." she kisses his wet hair, washed earlier. Her arms wrap around his shoulders.

He pulls her to sit on his lap, burying his face in her chest, rubbing her round belly.

"I cannot wait to meet her."

Reina smiles and kisses his cheek, "I hope it will be a daughter..."


Meanwhile, Ser Eryyk fights the guards that watches Rhaenys's chambers.

He steps in, extending the clothes and cloak to her, "With me, Princess. I cannot let this treachery stand."


Aegon sleeps with his arms wrapped around his wife's body, enjoying his last night of freedom. Hoping that he will get to hold her in his arms again and to see his little babies growing up.

Tomorrow, he will be crowned as King. He will wear the crown of the Conqueror and he will wield Blackfyre, his sword.

Tomorrow everything will change. For the worse or for the better?

A/N: I'm sorry for not posting but school is really hard! anyway, the following week I'm free so I think I will finish the book💖

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