Chapter 67: The Bloodline of Raven

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Within the Star forge we see Connor looking on a long aline of machines making battle droids, vehicles, fighters and ships as Connor stood on the second floor balcony looking down at this when the dooe opens behind him and Darth Khulfa came in as he stop in front of the door while Connor knows he is behind him and so he ask while he doesn't turn to him.

Connor: What do you want?

Darth Khulfa: I was inform your "friends" has the first relic to mother and defeated our armies attack. You must be very proud for those flesh bags.

Connor: They are not my friends. Not anymore.

Darth Khulfa: Right because you betray them and your kind for the machines. How does that feel?

Connor: Your just here to annoy me?

Darth Khulfa: That's only half of it. What I really want to know is why Ziggy allow you to join us? You may serve the Republic for sometime but your just a captain so why would Ziggy would ever allow you in? Is it because you hated humanity? Is it because Ziggy has something that interest you......Or was it something that you want from Ziggy that made you to betray your friends.

Connor falls silent as he squeezes his hands onto the metal bars which Darth Khulfa can sense and goes on to say.

Darth Khulfa: You know I was just like any other androids. I believe humans and androids are suppose to live in this world in peace. That's what I thought. But when those humans torment me, discriminate me and treat the rest like scum....I was filled with rage. So much rage in fact I suddenly realised I can use the force. How you may ask? Simple......I killed a human by chocking him without even touching him and he falls to the ground dead. It made me realise humanity is weak and the machines are fit to rule the universe. I wanted to start a revolutionary bit Ziggybeat me and I was force to serve under him due to my knowledge of the star forge. But I secretly hated Ziggy, he maybe powerful but he's pathetic just. Like. You.

He then place his robotic hand onto Connors shoulder as he begins to tell him.

Darth Khulfa: I would rip your organic heart out of your chest right here and now and no one will never know what happened to you.

They stood there for sometime and then Darth Khulfa let's go and says.

Darth Khulfa: But I won't. Because once Ziggy is gone then I'll be in charge and all of this will be mine and I will kill you in front of every droid to make it as an example and a reminder how weak humans really are. Enjoy as best you can "captain" it will not last.

He then leaves Connor be as he stood there alone now as he looks on and remind himself why he is here.


On a mysterious planet we find Gray, Weisz, Pino and Homura walking through a snow like landscape as they wear coats to keep themselves warm as they soon reach their destination.

They approach what seems like a underground entrance with the entrance way shut as Pino begins to scan the written on the door.

Pino: It appears to be in sith writing. This is a sith template.

Homura: Does this might contain another relic of mother?

Weisz: Why would a relic be within a sith temple?

Gray: Let's not forget there were a lot of siths left to the unknown region near the end of the Old Republic era. There is a possibility that some must have find one and lock it here.

Weisz: Can you open it?

Gray node as he kneel down and shut his eyes. He focused his best and soon there was a shake and the door begins to open, revealing large stairs that go down beneath the surface as Gray stood up and look down of the steps.

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