Chapter 33: A fun day as a Jedi (Lemon)

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We see Y/n meditating in the middle of space as he have his eyes shut while his Kyber Crystal is on the floor in fro t of him with several pieces to make his new light saber scattered around him as Y/n focus on the force as the Kub3r Crystal moved a little on it's own but soon it start to float and it float in front of him along with the other pieces around him as they start to piece together while Y/n still focus his mind and the force as the pieces formed inro bigger pieces and soon it form a hilt of Y/n's new Light saber as it float in front of him.

We see Y/n meditating in the middle of space as he have his eyes shut while his Kyber Crystal is on the floor in fro t of him with several pieces to make his new light saber scattered around him as Y/n focus on the force as the Kub3r Crystal moved...

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His Kyber Crystal floats towards the hilt as a small hatch opens up and the Kyber Crystal is insert it and once closed the Y/n move his hand and grab his light saber and he open his eyes just as he active his new light saber. He stood up and swin his light saber around to get to the feel of it and I felt a lot more faster to swing as he thought. Soon he stop swinging and look at his new light saber with a smile on his face.

Xiaomei: (smile) I like your new Light saber.

He turn to see Xiaomei as she sudden appear in front of him while Y/n deactivated his light saber and asked her.

Y/n: Where you just standing there when I first came in?

Xiaomei: (smirk) Maybe. Still apologise for the wait, how may I help you?

Y/n: I need to know about the future. On one of the planet I've gotten a dark vision about the future and I need to know how to stop that from happening.

Xiaomei: Ah I see, so you wonder what will happen to you and your friends in the future?

Y/n: Yes, please I need to know what will happen so I can stop it.

Xiaomei: Well I can tell you that things will be worse. You will be faced with a massive battle with a power Ether gear user, so powerful in fact that Shiki can't defeat him. There will be more deaths and your friends will feel hopless.

Y/n: I there anything else?

Xiaomei: There is. There are two times lines that might happen. You succeed to save your friends and defeat this powerful Ether gear user and win the battle. But in another time fail and everyone will be fallen into darkness and be part of this Ether gears slave.

Y/n knows he can't let that happen and must defeat this Ether gear user no matter what happens.

Y/n: Okay. Thanks for everything Xiaomei, sorry if I enter unannounced.

Xiaomei: (smile) Your welcome and don't worry, your always welcome to come anytime you want.

Once that the door behind him opens and Y/n turn and make his leave and once he left Xiaomei turns away just as the door closes as Xiaomei smiled.

Xiaomei: (smile) I know you can do it Y/n. I know you will succeed and save your friends from "him".


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