Chapter 55: Countdown before destruction (Part 3)

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We see Weisz and Pino at where the cannons controls are at as we see Pino hacking into the style and trying to shut it off. Weisz watched as the cannon is charging up and it will fire and destroy Blue Garden and all life at the planet.

Weisz: Any luck so far Pino?

Pino: There is some fire walls but I think I can get through them.

Weisz: Right. Why not just EMP this ship and that will be done.

Pino: That would be very risky. We need to be careful while not to alarm anymore guards.

Weisz: Bet all the guards are now high alart right now. God this Stormtrooper armor is really tight. Is this what it feels like to wear this armor?

Pino: According to the female Stormtroopers yes. Alright its all done.

Soon the charging cannon slowly turns off and the counter stop counting down as they successfully stop the cannon of blowing up Blue Garden.

Weisz: (smirk) Looks like we won.

Pino: (smile) Seems like it.

Weisz: Hey Gray we got the cannon offline, what's pur next move?

Gray: (coms) Head back to the ship and hurry! Ah!

Weisz: Huh sounds like he and Shiki might be in trouble.

Pino: Should we go and help them out?

Weisz: Nah I do not wanna get in between Gray's families issues with hid brother. Besides I bet he and Shiki are fine.

Pino: Well we should check up the girls and see they are alright.

Weisz: Right. Let's go.


Shiki was force pushed by Joshua as he was sent flying across the bridge and crashed into the wall. Then Gray comes over and swings his light saber but Joshua turns around and blocks his strike. The two clash sabers at each other as they swing their light saber at each other in quick speeds.

Then Joshua uses force lighting at Gray but he blocks it with his hand as he just slided backwards. Joshua continues to force lighting Gray when Shiki speed over and lands a kick at Joshua which cost him to slide back and then Shiki swings his fist and lands a powerful punch that sent him flying.

However he lands on his feet and force pushed both Gray and Shiki back, sending the two flying back and they slammed against the wall and hit the floor.

Joshua: Now whose weak brother? How dose it feel to be on the floor by me.

Then he he's a beep so he walks over to the controls and sees that the cannon is offline.

Joshua: So you've managed to disarmed my cannon. Impressive, well I should just surrender right here and now....but then a again.

Then he pushes a button on the coms and says.

Joshua: All fleets, target at the evacuating ships. Destroy them all.

Gray: No!

All fleets start to turn their cannons on the evacuating ships and they dtart to open fire at them. Blowing them up as they were just getting away.

Shiki: (anger) How dare you! They were innocents of people!

Joshua: Which they were loyal to the Republic. Those who worship the Republic will be purged for obeying to a Republic that failed long ago. This will be the day that my empire will rise and rule the galaxy once again!

He laughs while Shiki and Gray watched as the star destroyers continues their fire when suddenly a beam came out od nowhere and blow up one Star destroyer and then a few more as Joshua turns around in shock.

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