'We never talked about it.'

'Forget about me. Are you really gay?'

'It seems like I'll have to become gay, tomorrow I'll come dressed like Meera, you just have to like me.' (Aahan said jokingly)

'There's too much confusion, sometimes not talking changes so much, our ideas never teach us how to talk, they only tell us how to end the anger.'

'That's right, by the way, I'm not dating Teena either. It was just a drama because Teena loves someone but it's not clear who yet.'

Naina said jokingly, 'Is Teena's love for Jay? Because she's just with the duffer for that.'

Aahan showed a slight anger and said, 'Jay is the perfect guy, not a duffer at all, he's a very good person. When you get to know him, you'll fall in love with him.'

'Have you fallen for him already?'

Aahan lightly taps Naina on the head and says, "Are you crazy?"

"You bet, Jay is the perfect guy, shut up. Is he really a duffer?"

Aahan and Naina playfully hit each other for a while. Then after a little fighting, Naina says, "I really missed my friend." (relaxing smile)

"Me too." (relaxing smile)

"I think, I'm not sure if I love Meera."

"That's just like Meera, you had to be crazy."

"You are so good, you're not even getting angry, I'm cheating on you."

"You didn't do it intentionally, I know, if you love Meera, tell her, right?"

"Nah, I don't want to be rejected, our friendship will be ruined." (Upon hearing this, Naina realized that she loved Meera because she said all this. She feared the friendship breaking, and through Naina's words, she made Naina understand.)

"So, what will you do?"

"Don't know, my actions could jeopardize our friendship someday?" (The events of the night were playing out in Naina's eyes.)

"Why can't you control yourself?" (laughing)

"Yeah, how would you know." 

"Just know, that's why you ignore romantic movies, right?"

"This isn't good, you know too much, you'll get beaten."

"You're a horny monster, people say boys are like that, Madam Naina, the shy one." (Laughing loudly, Aahan had a stomachache, but he couldn't help laughing despite the pain.)

"Shhh Laugh softly, or the hotel manager will ask us to leave the room."

"Listen, it's a bad idea, but why don't you try jealousy? If she loves you, she'll tell you herself."

"She doesn't get jealous, she's a noble soul, but her behavior was weird today. I didn't say anything right, it just happened on its own. You're the one who has the guts, you've already broken up with me, who should I date?"

"Maybe she'll get jealous seeing you with Lalita because she looks better than Meera dee, and she's that girl."

"But if it backfires and she starts hating me?"

"Then turn it around?"


"Tell Meera you're looking for someone to make me jealous, someone who could make Aahan feel jealous?"

"Damn! She's your sister, she'll never agree. Is she crazy to fake cheating in front of you? Meera can leave me for you, she can even end our friendship."

"Give it a try, who knows, fake dating might change your luck."

"You're an amazing friend."

Naina hugs Aahan and then sees Jay coming out.

"Aahan! Aahan, are you two a couple again?"

Aahan says, "Shhh! Look, we're making a plan. Promise to stay quiet."

Jay laughs and says, "Cutie, whatever you say."

Naina says, "Aahan and I are just friends, but why do you look at Aahan with so much love?"

Aahan, with a hint of annoyance, says, "I remind him of a dog from my face."

 Naina laughs, "AWW, what a friendship you two have!"

Jay says, "Naina, can you tell me about Aahan? What he likes, dislikes, it'll be easier for me to take care of him."

Aahan, slightly annoyed, says, "Stop acting like my boyfriend. Naina, don't tell him anything."

Naina whispers in Aahan's ear, "He's a cute guy, but I think he likes you. His heart might break, tell him you're not into guys."

Aahan whispers back, "Who told you that? I'm bisexual like dee, I'm just not interested in anyone right now."

Naina exclaims in high tone, "What, Meera is bisexual?"

Jay responds, "So what? I'm pansexual too. Why are you shocked, Naina?"

Naina laughs and says, "Am I a main character from a gay show? So many gay people around me."

Saying this, Naina walks into the room.

Jay says as baby, "Let's go to the room, I won't sleep on the couch, my back hurts."

Aahan closes his eyes and says, "Fine, come to the bed!"

With a big smile, Jay says, "I love you."

Aahan said angrily. "Hate you."

They both go into the room. Naina sees Meera and thinks to herself, "It seems like today Meera's words made me realize that I feel something more for her, it's definitely more than just a crush. Now, I shouldn't run away from my feelings. The gay way is on. It's important to find out whether Meera loves me or not now?"

Extremely Slow loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon