All the answers

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" grey eyes" Aarav completed his words which pushed Anya into the world of her theories. She remembered every grey eyed person she had met which started from Vadit and ended on Vansh. This meant Vadit was a quarer . She got many of her answers from this information. Reason of their hate toward Vadit and to some extent reason of his death.
Next thought which striked her mind was Vansh - why he came to meet her?

The world of her conspiracy was broken by Aadarsh " you know something right" .

She jerked herself out while glaring Aaransh " stop reading my mind"

" I already told you it's not in my control" he defended.

" Anya don't you dare to hide something now tell us" Rahul warned her which hardly had any effect on her.

" I was thinking about Vadit, he was a quarer right. He was the one who depicted my grandfather death to me, every single detail. He gave me those papers which had information about those powers although he knew who I am, he was asking me to bring him the water of that lake where I fainted and most importantly, he was killed the same way he depicted my grandfather's death but his eyes were not taken out as if someone wanted me to know who he was " she completed her words while everybody else was just too stunned to say anything because the amount of information she had and the way she had joined them was really awesome.

" Ok ok you know a lot already. Just stop thinking about all this " Rahul said but he knew Anya will never do so.

She just smirked while saying" I think I have revealed a lot now you should answer my questions "

Everyone noded which gave her the permit to ask but she covered up her curiosity, maintained a cold face and asked

" Are the stereotypes about Vampires and wolfs true " she asked as if she wanted an expected answer but that dream of her broke when Aarav and Aadit denied

"Some are, but not all " Aarav said followed by Aadit.

" You know what I will ask so" she said and from here Aarav and Aadit picked up the sentence.

" Me and my family came here only after late 18th century as we wanted a large space for our family which is kind of isolated. We were four families which include Arman, me, Sahil and Sumit. This place gave us space to live and in return my fore father decided to be the server for this village.
It's true that we turn into wolves without our will on full moon and at that night we all are out of control.
Wolves are known for marking their territory but the only adult in us is my father and mother so the territory is divided by me and Arman as the other two just follow him. " He said and took a deep breath" I am done now "

Anya turned her gaze toward Aarav but he didn't answered and came toward her
" supress your curiosity. This info is enough for today. Now tell us about your powers"

" I don't know about them. My father don't have these powers and my grandfather is dead and Vadit as well so in short all I know is I am having something in myself but don't know what" she said and turned toward others " I am leaving now, my brother is waiting for me all thanks to you" she said looking at Aadit.

" Won't you come" she asked while leaving as she didn't see Aarav moving.

He smirked and followed her. "You already knew I will be telling you in your way back right" he asked when he saw her smirking.

" Do you think I would have let you go if I didn't know" she said while looking at her way. " Tell me "

" I don't know if there is any other vampire family in India or not. My family came her few years ago when my father was transformed into a vampire on his trip. He was suffering from lack of nutrition "

" You mean blood right " she said.

" Yaa..blood, he wanted blood so he started killing people in the town. This info reached to a vampire and he came to him. He helped my father to settle in this new life and adviced him to settle in an isolated place so that no one ever suspects him. He slowly adapted to his surroundings and his blood needs were fulfilled by the hospital as he is a doctor but to control his same urge around humans, he started hunting animals which were found here in abundance. The then leader of gifted people accepted him and gave him space to live. " He stopped and looked at her

She looked at him with cold face and curious eyes" ok ok I got it. We do have problem with sun but we have adapted to that, we are super strong and fast and our senses are well developed as well " he said

" Then what happened to you that day " she asked

" See I am a new vampire and it take time to settle. Almost once after every 6-7 weeks, I develop a strong urge of blood which if not fulfilled turns me violent. That day happened the same as dad got a bit late in arranging human blood as he was out of station. " He answered as if he didn't tell her all this she will leave him.

" Ok but what about your mother and your ageing " she asked

" We do age but upto a certain age -70-80 . After that this ageing process stops but our family had decided that they will kill themselves after that age and about my was an accident. She turned into a vampire because of an accident and eventually I was born " he said while making a cold face and saw Anya whose face was turning a bit different.

" You want to ask something?" He asked but she hesitated a bit " I never knew you can hesitate " he commented while smirking.

" Vampire can reproduce....??"

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