Mr. Vadit

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In a couple of seconds a big dark lion came towards Anya's ready to eat her alive

In a couple of seconds a big dark lion came towards Anya's ready to eat her alive

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just when a guy came from the side hitting the lion on his face. Everything was so fast for anyone to notice but the view in front made Anya believe what she was seeing.
Aarav was fighting with that lion like it's a weak human.
The lion immediately left leaving a shocked Anya alone with the 4 creeps.

" Who the fucking hell are you" she asked looking at Aarav.

" No need for you to know" Rahul said from behind and left immediately holding Aarav with his squad.

Those girls were right. Anya thought and immediately rushed towards her house.

" How was your day Anya" her grandmother asked from her.

" It was good but I am having some questions from you " she said and went on to enquire but was stopped by her brother.

" Where are my headphones Anya "

" They...are with me, let me give them to you " she said and left the place.

Time skip at night

" This place is always so calm and soothing. " Anya's grandmother said reminsing nostalgically.

" You have visited here earlier" Aadrash Anya's brother asked.

" Yes my heart we initially belong to this village that's why I wanted your mother to join in here" her grandmother said shocking Anya a bit.

" You mean to say we are natives of Sagar nagar" Anya asked

" Yes child, we have always recited here but when you grandpa died we left from here"

" Ok now no more gossip, eat your dinner and leave for sleep you are having your school tomorrow " her mother said.

" As if I want to go " she said and left .

At night
Anya and her brother Aadarsh shared the same room. Her brother was sleeping peacefully but on the other hand she was suffering, suffering hard to wake up from her dreams.

" You are chosen my child " an old man came and told this to Anya, his face was not visible. " You have to fulfill the responsibility given to you " the old man stated and vanished waking up Anya.

" Now my dreams are scaring me as well " she mummered to herself and went to the balcony which faced the dark dense forest.

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