know everything

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Anya opened her eyes when she sensed he was not over her. His teeth had not caused any harm to her. She saw Rahul and Aaransh holding Aarav with both of their hands while Aarav was roaring in anger.

Aadit was having plaster in one of his hands while he was holding a cloth in his other hand.

As soon as he got a chance he placed that cloth on Aarav 's nose making him inhale it and he did so resulting in him collapsing on the ground.

Aadit and Rahul loosened their grip allowing him to fall on ground while turning their gaze towards Anya.

Anya could see the anger they hold in their eyes, their desperation to kill her right now but what diverted her attention was Aadit's actions. He sat on Anya's bed and closed his eyes drifting into sleep.

" Are you mad or what" Rahul shouted on Anya who returned back to reality which she had to face. She didn't responded. She knew she had done wrong and that she had to face whatever will happen now.

But there was no sign of fear or rebellion on her face which they expected. Although she was scared of whatever happened before but she refused to show that fear to them

" She is mad. Who the hell put their life in danger like this" Aaransh shouted on her

Rahul tried his best to control his anger and said in a calm yet angry tone " you knew what could happen right still you chose to put your life on the edge, Why . Why are you so desperate to know about each and everything why" he asked but Anya didn't responded.

" Will you say something " Aaransh shouted out his lungs which made Aadit come in between

" Chill man why are you so angry. She was not aware about these things. " He said but stopped as soon as he got a glare from Rahul.

" Pick him up and come " Rahul ordered to Aadit who looked at him with his broken hand" seriously " he stated

" Its already 11:45 , he will become normal in a while then we can take him " he said while resting himself on the bed again earning a glare from everyone present there. Anya didn't want to face Aarav right now as she was scared but as usual she didn't show her fear and kept sitting on her position like that as she was unable to move.

Next 15 minutes passed in silence no one muttered a single word followed by the angry glares of Aaransh and Rahul. After a while Aarav 's body showed some moment which scared Anya but lightened others mood.

" My's..its paining" he said while observing his surroundings.

" Where are we" he asked when his eyes caught a pity figure sitting on the floor like she is paralysed but her face giving the same dark and calm aura.

" Anya?" he actually questioned in a state of confusion

" Try reminding everything man, put some pressure on your brain" Rahul said and Aarav started reminding everything. His eyes got widened and widened like he was looking at a documentry of what just happened.

" Are you alright" he asked as soon as he got his senses back. " I hope there is no bite sign on your neck" his question made Anya frown but others decided to leave.

" We should go now" Rahul said and holded a rope sliding down with Aaransh while Aadit directly jumped down. But Aarav remained their looking at Anya who was trying her best not to look at him cause his eyes made her remember that incident scaring her more and more.

He came closer to her offering his hand to her " I am sorry" he said but Anya didn't accepted his offer and turned her head toward the other side.

He left a deep breath and sat near her maintaining a safe distance making sure she don't get scared as he had seen how scared she was when he attacked on her like a beast.

" You know that was not my true self" he said to Anya but she remained silent

" Will you say something" he asked but got the answer with Anya's silence. He left without looking behind anymore jumping from the balcony.

Anya breathed out like she was controlling her breath from past 10 minutes. She tried to get up and this time her legs did supported her. She walked to her bed slowly kind of pulling her leg. She sat there looking out of the balcony making sure no one was there and just at this moment she broke down.

Tears started flowing from her eyes like waterfall but she didn't sobbed even at once. Tears kept flowing from her eyes and she remained like that for sometime and then finally resting her head on her pillow. Fortunately tomorrow is Sunday and she can get the rest.

With the last thought of this frightful night she entered into her dreamland.

A figure again appeared on her balcony took a glimpse of her and left leaving no trace behind.

Next morning

" Why are you walking like this Anu" Anya's Grandma asked looking at her who was walking like an old weak lady.

" I slipped in bathroom" she lied flawlessly while entering the storeroom and heading toward the back side of her house with her father's garden kit and a flower pot.

She carefully put the flower on ground and started digging a small hole.

" Touch me not plant" a voice came from behind which she recognised but didn't moved to respond.

" Mimosa pudica" she said and continued her work.

" It shrink when touched, just like you " Aarav said with a straight face

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" It shrink when touched, just like you " Aarav said with a straight face.

" And blossom again after a while " she said while facing him. Although there was a huge height difference between the two but she stood firmly this time.

" Shrinking is a safety measure or fear " he asked

" This plant is having a lot of health benifits " she stated diverting the topic.

" Lavender , peace and calmness" he said while looking at the lavenders growing there.

" Royality and authority" she said glaring directly into his eyes.

" You aren't scared anymore of me" he said looking directly into her eyes.

" Should I be " she asked.

" You know half knowledge is dangerous thing " Aaransh who was standing there for a while stated.

" I do want to know everything and I will " she stated.

" What if you get that opportunity right now....."

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