Chapter 16- Goodbye

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Denny's van is parked on the side of the road and inside both Jim and Denny are drinking bottles and cans of alcohol. "Forget holding her hand. Picture the damage he could do in other places." Jim says making Denny laugh. "Yeah. That's sick."

Jim swings a bottle of Jack Daniels still pissed that Kim broke up with him. Denny groans, "Ugh! I feel like I'm gonna pass out or puke or something."

"Later. First, take me to her house." Jim demands.

"Come on, Jim. Don't make me drive." Denny pleads.

"Just do it!" Jim yells. Denny cringes when getting up. "Jesus. Maybe she was right about you."

"Just drive!" 

"Relax." Denny says and climbs to the front of the van.


Kevin opens the front door leaving Max's house. "See you tomorrow. Call me." Kevin says.

"All right." Max says watching Kevin walk away. 

Kevin heads towards his house, but feels a weird chill go down his spine. He looks at the garden sculptures creep out since their shadows tower over him. He passes a house with the garage open and the older man yells at him from inside.

"Have they caught him yet?" Kevin stops to look at the man. "Who?" He questions.

"Him! That...that cripple." The Older Man says making his hands move like scissors. Kevin shrugs. "Let me know when they do. Let us all know, okay? Like a good boy." Kevin hurries off while the Older Man yells out.


Denny's van swerves around the road and in progress knocks over a giant teddy bear hedge sculpture. Denny paid no mind since he was focused on trying to drive, but couldn't.


From the window, Edward saw the hedge sculpture fall as the van drove closer to the house. He turns to see Kevin walking down the sidewalk not knowing about the van getting closer to him. Y/n turns to the window to see what is going on and both of them agree to go outside to have a closer look.

They walked outside to see Kevin crossing the street and Denny's van approaching him fast about to hit him. Edward sprints off the curb and tackles him out of the way. The two of them tumble onto a patch of grass.

"Are you okay? It's okay." Edward says on top of Kevin, but since Kevin is squirming he accidentally cuts him. Kevin groans as he tries to push him away.

"Edward, stop!" Kevin says.

"I'm your friend." Edward says trying to help.

Denny's van skids to a stop and Jim gets out to see the scene in front of him. Hellen gets out of her house after hearing the commotion and sees Edward on top of Kevin cutting him. Y/n walks closer in shock and sees the whole neighborhood run towards them since Hellen was yelling.

"What are you doing? Get away from him!" George says trying to get Edward off of Kevin, but Edward turns around fast and cuts him in the face, making Joyce scream. Edward looked around scared since almost the whole neighborhood was surrounding him.

Y/n was about to help Edward when Jim suddenly grabbed her. "Hey! Let go of me!" Y/n screams and punches Jim off of her making him step back. Y/n ran off trying to get closer to Edward, but due to the neighbors surrounding him, made it a bit more difficult.

Bill, Peg, and Kim pull up to see the whole neighborhood surrounding Kevin and Edward. The three get and run through the crowd to reach the two as Y/n finally makes it through. Bill reached down and was able to push Edward off Kevin. He dragged Kevin as Peg yelled at Edward while following Bill. "Edward, come home. Come home!" 

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