Chapter 6- The Barbecue

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In the Kitchen, Y/n and Edward help Peg cut and prepare food for the barbeque they are somewhat hosting. "I've always said you can't have a picnic or a barbecue without deviled eggs. They're just the best. They make a thing." Peg turns around to see Edward cutting the lettuce into many pieces. 

"Oh, dear! Edward! That's wonderful!" Peg turns around to get a bowl. "I didn't know you chopped the whole thing, but we'll have a really big-" Suddenly, Edward cuts himself on his jaw. "Oh. All right now, just a nick. There's no need to be nervous, dear. Y/n can you grab me a napkin, please."

Y/n leaves the sink and hands Peg the napkin. "You know, Esmeralda won't be here and the rest of the neighbors, they're really very nice. There's no need to be nervous. They're so eager to meet you. You just have to be yourself." Peg reassures Edward.

"Myself?" Edward questions.

"That's right, just your own sweet self." Peg says.

Y/n walks towards Peg with a can in her hands with a bored expression. "Why did you agree to have the barbecue again? Why couldn't you say no or at another time?" Y/n askes.

"Because all of the other neighbors are curious about Edward and want to meet him." Peg says going back to the counter to finish her deviled eggs.

"But why today though? Couldn't they wait a day or so? It's not like he is leaving in a few days." Y/n says making Peg nod understanding what Y/n is saying.

"Oh, well. What's done is done." Peg smiles. Y/n placed the can in the electric can opener and Edward became mesmerized by it and started having a memory-like flashback.


A large homemade can opener opens up a can of what appears to be pink frosting. The machine next to it uses its claw to hold and crake an egg into a bowl that's on a conveyor belt. The bowl then moves under a machine that looks like the upper part of a human with whisks as hands and mixes the batter in the bowl.

Then a machine hand hits the bowl making the dough fall on another conveyor belt and pass a pair of machine legs that helped move the conveyor belt. The dough goes under a roller and then machine monkeys with cookie cutters on their feet step on the dough. Finally, the dough moves into the oven at the end.

The inventor walks into the room and gets a closer look at the machines at work. Happy that they are working exactly as they are planned. He goes to the end of the conveyor belt to see the cooking finished baking and drops it into a box. He picked up a cookie shaped like a heart and looked at a machine that is shaped like a human and moved the heart by the chest.

He looks at it and gets an idea.


The Barbecue had already started and Edward stabbed open beer cans for men who asked. Kevin and his friend walk up to Edward. "Play 'Scissors, Paper, Stones' with us." Kevin asks.

"Play Scissors-what?" Edward asks. but before Kevin asks again a man pulls Edward aside.

"I got a doctor friend of mine who might be able to help you." He says.

At another part of the backyard, a group of women was admiring the hedge that looked like the Boggs family. Peg walks up to them with a plate. "And he did it just like that!" Peg says while intimidating scissors with her hand.

Joyce and her husband George walk through the back gate and George laughs exaggeratedly and slaps backs while he walks past people. He approaches Edward with a smile and offers him a handshake. 

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