Chapter 13- Not The Same

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Jim went to embrace Kim, but she pulled away. "Don't" Kim says and Jim looks at her with a mad look. "What's the matter with you? When are you gonna stop? I did what I could. My old man thinks he's retarded. Otherwise, he'd still be in jail. What more do you want from me?" Jim asks.

"You could tell the truth." Kim answers.

"So could you! You were there too." Jim raises his voice while pointing at her. Kim scoffs, "It wasn't my idea. You know I didn't want to do it." She tries to self-defend herself.

"But you did do it." Jim pointed out. She scoffs one more time before walking away. "I don't get why you give such a shit anyway." Jim yells out.


Edward walks through the hallway while his hands cut the wallpaper, leaving lines behind. He goes into the bathroom, cutting the towels and shower curtains. He looks at himself in the mirror while scratching the wall up and down.


At dinner, Edward looks down while Bill gives him a lecture. "We're gonna try and help you find a way to replace the drapes and the towels, but our confidence in you, Edward, is not gonna be so easy to replace."

"Dad." Y/n says in a quiet tone.

Bill sees Edward not moving and thinks of a way to teach him something. "Okay. A little ethics. You're walking down the street, find a suitcase full of money. There's nobody around. No human person is in evidence. What do you do? A: you keep the money. B: you use it to buy gifts for your friends and your loved ones. C: give it to the poor. D: turn it in to the police."

"Dad, this is really stupid." Kim says

"Kim." Peg says.

"I'd keep the money." Kevin says.

"Simmer down." Peg says to Kevin.

"Edward?" Bill says waiting for Edward to answer.

Kim looks around before trying to change the subject. "Hey, how 'bout after dinner we go down to the bowling alley? That would be fun." Peg looks at Kim, "You're not seeing Jim tonight?"

"No." Kim says bluntly.

"You know, we had the coolest show and tell today. This kid brought in a box of baby possums. 10, maybe 12, totally naked, no hair at all." Kevin says thinking they are finished talking with Edward.

"Honey, this is fascinating, but I don't think your father's finished yet." Peg quietly says.

"Thank you, dear. Edward, we're waiting." Bill says looking at him. Edward slowly looks up and looks at Bill. "Give it to my loved ones?" Edward whispers loud enough for everyone to hear and Bill shakes his head.

"Oh, Edward, it does seem that that's what you should do, but it's not." Peg says with a sorry tone.

"You dope! Everybody knows you're supposed to give it to the police." Kevin says nodding at his dad.

"Good thinking, Kevin." Bill praise.

" Well, think about it. Who in their right mind would lose a suitcase full of money? Also, if you did happen to stumble upon it, the first thing a person would do is make sure no one is around and then take it for themselves." Y/n speaks for the first time during dinner.

"Also, buying presents is the nicer thing to do. That's what I would do." Kim says agreeing with Y/n.

"We're not trying to confuse him. We're trying to make things a bit easier for him. So let's cut the comedy for a little while, alright." Bill says not liking how his daughters were answering.

"I am being serious, Dad. It's a much nicer thing to do." Kim speaks up.

"We'll, we're not talking nice. We're talking right and wrong." Bill says.

"But it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. People are going to do things because it is what they want to do." Y/n says and Bill shakes his head. "Y/n, please, keep these thoughts to yourself."

Kevin snickers, "Shut up!" Kim says smacking his arm. That made Peg fed up. "No wonder poor Edward can't learn right from wrong living in this family!" She gets up and starts collecting plates while the family looks in disappointment.


Throughout the neighborhood, the women were on the phone with each other. "Well, did you hear what he did to Peg's curtains?" Cissy says.

"It's unbelievable that they're having their Christmas party anyway. Are you going?" Tinka says.

"I don't think so." Cissy says.

"He practically raped Joyce, you know, threatening her with those knives of his. It's a miracle she escaped." The Tinka

Helen is in her living room wrapping presents while also on the phone. "Oh, I don't have anything against Bill and Peg, but-"

"I know, I know. And they've got those two teenage daughters in the house. Oh, those poor things. After what happened to me. Can you imagine?" Joyce says laying down on the couch.

"What did you say to Peg about the Christmas party?" Helen asks.

"I said I hoped we could make it." Tinka says.

"I lied too." Helen says


Back at the Bogg's house, Edward works on the roses with an upset look on his face. Y/n looks out of the curtain to see him not his usually happy self, so she goes out there with him. When she was close enough, she leaned down and touched his shoulder making him stop.

Edward looked at her and she made a motion to follow her. He gets up and follows Y/n to her room. Once inside he notices multiple blankets and pillows on the floor with his favorite books close by. Y/n helped him sit on the floor and once he was situated, she sat down next to him.

She grabs one of the books and starts reading to him. Edward was stiff at first, but soon relaxed and before he knew it fell asleep.


Peg is in the living room putting up the Christmas tree and she looks up at Edward who is sitting down watching her. "Edward? You want to give me that new haircut?" She asks.

"Again?" Edward asks shocked.

"Yeah. Sure. It makes me proud to have you as my own professional hairdresser." Peg says with a smile and sits down. Edward gets up and starts to wash his blades. When they were drying, Kevin walked through the back door.

"Hi, honey." Peg says.

"Oh, hi." Kevin says and Edward turns around to talk to him. "Kevin, you wanna play 'Scissors, Paper, Stone'?" Edward asks.

"No." Kevin says while looking through the fridge.

"Why?" Edward asks.

"Cause it's boring. I'm tired of always winning." Kevin answers not even sparing a glance at Edward. "I'll be outside." Kevin says at the same time Peg scolds him, "Other people's feelings. A few manners. Just never you mind, dear."

Edward looks at Peg as she turns around, "Just-You cut away. Cut away." Peg says and Edward starts snipping.


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