Chapter 12- Being Detained

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Peg and Bill are escorted to the room where Y/n and Edward are being detained. Both are fraught especially Peg since she never dreamed the two of them to get in trouble where the police are involved. "Can we see them now?" Peg asks the officer.

"You can see them now. We're gonna have to hold them overnight for observation." The officer tells them.

"They have to stay all night?" Peg asks when they walk through the door to the room.

"You can pick them up in the morning." The officer says. When they walked into the room they saw Edward and Y/n sitting down in their chairs handcuffed to them and looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

"Hello, Edward. Hello, honey. Oh, I blame myself." Peg says sadly and kneels so she can take a look at them.

"What in God's name was going on through both of your minds?" Bill says making the both of them look up.

"Why didn't I set a better example?" Peg says to herself and then looks at Edward. "You saw how I envied Jim's parents their money." She then looks at Y/n, "And I told you to help Edward when he needed help."

"What were you gonna do with that stuff once you had it?" Bill slightly yells making the two lower their heads.

"I blithely say, 'Oh, we'll get the money for the salon somehow', but I never meant stealing. Dear, stealing's not the way to get it. Stealing's not the way to get anything." Peg tells Edward mostly.

"Except trouble, and you're in a serious heap of that." Bill added.

"Oh, Edward, Y/n, why ever did you do this? Damn those Tv programs." Peg says.

"Damn them to hell." Bill repeats.

"Or did someone put you up to this?" Peg asks. Y/n was about to say something, about how Kim and Jim planned it, Kim lying to them, and when the alarm sounded they left without helping them. She was about to tell them, but in the end decided against it.

She wanted herself to deal with Kim.

Edward and Y/n stand in front of a desk while the Psychologist looks over their file. Officer Allen walks up to the doctor. "Well they be okay, Doc?"

The Psychologist sighs, "The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right or wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore, his work- the garden sculptures, hairstyles, and so forth- indicate that he's highly imaginative, uh, character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call "reality" is radically underdeveloped."

"What about the girl?" Officer Allen asks.

"She has a much higher IQ than an average teenager does and she has a greater understanding of the world than most would do, but it seems she has a harder time expressing her emotions than normal. Also, it seems when you pair both of them together some kind of connection is made and her better judgment is thrown away." The Psychologist says and it makes Y/n slightly look away.

"But will they be alright out there?" Officer Allen points out.

"Oh, yeah, they'll be fine." The Psychologist nods and walks away. Officer Allen sighs and walks up to them. "Listen, it could keep me up all night worrying about you. You watch each other, you hear?" They both quickly nodded and walked away.


Joyce, Marge, and some of the neighborhood women stand at their usual spot to gossip about what had happened last night. "I just happened to be up, so I heard all this noise and I ran out." One of the women explains.

"All along, I felt in my gut there was something wrong with him." Joyce says still mad about how her plan didn't work.

"It could have been my house." Another woman says.

"It could have been any of our houses, but-" Marge was interrupted by Esmeralda walking towards them. 

"I warned you, didn't I? I say the sign of Satan on him. You didn't heed my warning, but now you will because now you can see it too." Esmeralda kept walking through the group while they looked at her with an uncertain look.


Peg is driving Y/n and Edward back to the house and when they turn to their street, they can see multiple News vans parked by their house, neighbors standing outside chatting with each other, and/or people coming out of their house once they see the Bogg's car drive by.

Peg parked the car and turned to the two. "Just stay right here." When she got out of the car that is when the reporters ran to ask questions.

"What do you have to say in your defense?" A male reporter asks.

"Nothing. They don't want to talk right now." Peg says running to open the door for the two to get out.

"You have to say something." a woman reporter says.

"No, t-they can't talk right now. We can't talk." Peg says and once they both got out she grabbed their hands and speed walk/run to the house not answering a single question.

"So, were you set up? What was going through your mind? Who is this young lady to you? What do you have to say for yourself?" The male reporter asks following him.

"We have to get in the house! He'll talk to you later." When Peg opened the door she made sure Edward and Y/n went in first then when she entered she slammed the door shut.


Peg is on the phone calling the other women in the neighborhood making sure they are making their appointments for their haircut or to trim their yards, but is not having good luck.

"Oh, for goodness sake, Lois. I'm gonna see you at our Christmas party before I get you here for your haircut. Of course, we're gonna have it this year. We have it every year. Why wouldn't we have it this year?" She hears Lois explain and is shocked at what she hears. "Well, you may think that, but you're wrong."


Kim enters the house to see Edward looking at the pictures and Y/n sitting on the couch reading a book. Y/n looks up and when she makes eye contact with Kim she glares at the girl.

"You're here." Kim says nervously while shutting the door. "They didn't hurt you, did they?" Edward shakes his head while Y/n gives her the cold shoulder. "Were you scared?" She asks trying to get one of them to at least talk to her. "I tried to make Jim go back, but you can't make Jim do anything." Kim says which makes Y/n's head snap at her,

"Yes, you can or once you got out of the van you could have run back to the house or to the police station to tell them what had happened." Y/n says getting up and standing next to Edward. "But like always you have to look after yourself and not the people close to you." 

Kim looked down with a hurt look on her face and wanted to say something, but only could think of one thing. "Thank you for not telling them that we-" Y/n interrupts her.

"Don't thank us. I don't want to hear an apology that you don't mean. Edward doesn't deserve to hear an apology you don't mean." Kim winces guiltily.

"It must have been awful when they told you whose house it was." Kim says trying to get them to talk more or get something from them.

"We knew it was Jim's house." Edward says

"You did? Then why did you still come with us?" Kim's voice wavers.

"Cause we thought we were going to spend time together, not forced like always, but more like friends." Y/n says looking at the ground. Kim is horrified to hear this since in a million years she did not expect Y/n's answer to hit so close to her heart.

"Kimba! Kimmy! Hey!" Kim walks past them and onto the patio to see Jim who enters. Y/n glares at Jim and walks away to her room, not seeing Edward glare at JIm and cut the drapes beside him.


Beauty Within (Edward Scissorhands x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara