Chapter 3- Our House

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Peg parked the car by a blue house and Y/n helped Edward get off the car. "Here we go, dear. This is our house. You can just go right in and make yourself at home. Okay? We'll have something to eat or drink or whatever you-" While walking Edward stops when a breeze hits him and Peg gently grabs his arm to walk him towards the house. "Here, dear. This is the front door here. Here we go, right in here.


In another house, a woman was on the phone with Joyce. "Joyce, I just saw this strange guy driving with Peg. I didn't get a very good look at him. He looked kinda pale. Okay, I'll be right there. Don't do anything without me. Okay, bye." She hangs up.

On the other side of the line, Joyce rushes out of her bed. "Yes! Be right there!" She goes to her closet and starts throwing clothes around.


"Here we are." Peg opens the door and lets in Edward. He looks around in amazement and with a big smile on his face. The living room is square and dust-free. It looks perfect where everything is supposed to be where there are.

Edward walks more into the house with Peg and Y/n following. "So, um, this is the living room. And back here are the bedrooms." Edward looks to his right and starts walking towards a bookshelf. 

"You want to see the pictures. All right. Well, this is my husband, Bill. He's a bowling champion. Do you know what bowling is? Bowling." Edward looks at Peg with a blank look. "Well, here they are down at the lake, fishing. I think Kevin looks a little glum because they didn't catch anything that day. And here is Y/n when she was little. We adopted her when she was a little girl, and that was one of my favorite days since. Another thing about Y/n is that she graduated earlier than most kids her age. She is the smartest person I know."

Edward looks at Y/n's pictures and has an adoring look in his eyes, but none of the two women notice. "And, um, here's my daughter, Kim all dressed for the junior prom. She's a senior now, if you can believe it. She's camping in the mountains with some friends, but she'll be back in a few days. You can meet her then." Edward wasn't paying attention to what Peg was saying still focused on Y/n's pictures.

Y/n looks at Edward to see him focused on certain pictures and when she look all she saw was Kim's pictures. She was a little down, but didn't show it since she didn't want her mother to notice. If Y/n had looked a little closer she would have seen Edward looking when she had won a science fair with a machine she had made when she was younger.

"Isn't she beautiful? She along with Y/n here." Peg hugged Y/n to her side and leaned her head on Edward's shoulder, which had a smile on his face. "That's my family. Come along, dear, and we'll show you the rest of the house. Then you can just freshen up and make yourself at home."

Y/n went to grab her bag that was lying by the couch and was looking in it to make sure she had everything she needed. "Actually, I need to head to the library to find certain books for an experiment I'm doing. But I'll be home as soon as possible."

Peg smiled when Y/n kissed her on the cheek. "Okay, honey. Be safe." Y/n smiles at Edward before leaving the house. "I will. Bye, Mom. Bye, Edward, happy to have you here with us."

Edward smiles at her as he watches her close the door. "She is such a sweet girl. Now let's get going." Peg leads Edward more into the house. "That's the kitchen over there. You help yourself to anything you want to eat or drink." They pass the TV where on top is a little statue and Edward touches it. "Those are grapes. And back here are the bedrooms. Let me get you some towels, and I'll see what we can find for you to wear."

Edward turns around to get a last look at the living room before following Peg to the hall. "You know what? I think I have some of Bill's old clothes in here." She opens a closet and pulls out an old pair of pants and a shirt. "This is perfect. Here. These should just fit you." 

She hands him the clothes and at the same time the phone rings, startling Edward. "Oh! Don't be alarmed. That's just the phone. Now, you can go in Kim's room and put these on. I'll be right with you." Peg leads him into Kim's room while she goes into another room.

Edward walks in and looks around, having never seen a room like Kim's before. The room has white wallpaper, yellow curtains, a white dresser with a matching chair, a mirror above the dresser, and a waterbed with multiple stuffed animals on it. Edward takes a closer look at the mirror to see cut-out magazines taped to it. He carefully drops the clothes on top and looks in the mirror. He sees his reflection and reaches forward, the scissors tapping the mirror and when he touches his face he accidently cuts himself.

He turns around to look at the bed behind him. He reaches down pushing a stuffed hippo down and sees the bed wobble around. Once more he reached down to poke the bed, but accidentally made a small gash on it. The water sprays on him and he immediately covers it up with a small stuffed animal.

He walks away from the bed with a scared look and goes back to the clothes on the dresser. He grabs the pair of pants and drops them to the floor. He shuffles his feet into them and kneels, hooking the scissors into the belt loop and putting them on smiling since he did it all by himself.


In the Master Bedroom, Peg is sitting on the edge of the bed with the phone to her ear. "No, no, he has scissors. No, scissors. That's right." She whispers into the phone while also making a scissor motion with her hand. "Well, h-he was born up there or something."

"Have you ever seen him before?" The woman on the phone asks.

"No, I don't think he's been off the grounds before today." Peg answers.

"How did you ever get together with him?"

"Listen, I have to go now. I'll talk to you later, Marge. Bye-bye." Peg says and swiftly hangs up the phone walking towards the door when the phone suddenly rings again. She goes to the phone and switches the answering machine on.

When she walks into Kim's room, she sees Edward wrestling with the shirt trying not to rip it. "Sorry, Edward, I- Oh, dear. May I help you with this?"

Edward stops thrashing around to look at Peg. "Thank you." He says and Peg helps him pull the shirt over his head and notice the cut on his cheek.

"There you go. Oh, dear, you've cut your face. Let me just get this off." She reaches for a napkin and gently dabs on the cut. "Does that hurt?"

"No." Edward mumbles.

"No? Good. Okay. Now let's get you dressed." She puts down the napkin and fixes the shirt. "There we go. Very fine." She buttoned the shirt up while Edward smiled at the compliment.

After helping him get dressed, Peg opens the closet to let Edward see his reflection in the mirror behind the door. "You look fine. Just fine." Edward touches the overalls and cuts them.

"Oh." Peg says.


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