Chapter 8- Busy Days

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In Joyce's backyard, Joyce dances to the radio playing as Edward cuts a hedge into the shape of two swans while squeezing lemons for fresh lemonade. "Eddie! Thirsty?" Edward smacks his lips still tasting the liquor from Bill, but smiles just to be nice.

Joyce's dog, Kisses, barks like there is no tomorrow and Joyce tries to keep him quiet. "Kisses! Hush up! Shh! Quiet now!" She picks up two glasses and walks towards Edward. "Darlin', I can hardly hear myself think! Ah, mama's precious little baby girl." Getting closer to Edward she kicks the dog making it yelp.

"Wouldn't you like a nice, cool glass of lemonade?" Joyce sighs.

"Lemonade?" Edward asks and bends down to vomit the liquor in his body. Joyce wasn't too happy.


In school, Kevin stands in front of his class with Edward standing next to him for Show and Tell. "One chop to a guy's neck, and it's all over." Kevin says and Edward extends his hands out making the class lean back and gasp. 

"They're the sharpest things in the world. They can hack through anything, and..." Edward takes out a folded red piece of paper and cuts it quickly making red scraps fly everywhere. When he was done, he extended the paper to show a chain of dolls. 

The class cheers with excitement and delight.


Kim, Jim, and Suzanne walk home from school and look at all of the sculptures Edward makes. "I think they look weird. They give me the creeps" Kim says.

"You should see the clown in front of Mrs. Peter's yard." Suzanne says.

Edward emerges from the side of the house and looks up to see Kim and her friends walking. "Kim!" Edward calls out. The three turn around and Kim holds her books tighter.

"Oh, no."

"That's him?" Suzanne says looking at Edward for the first time.

"He's callin' you Kimba." Jim says also not looking away from Edward.

"Edward, you forgot your cookies, and don't worry add a little more for Y/n, too." Marge calls out. Edward turns to look at her and turns back to look at the trio.

"Don't worry, Eddie. She's waiting for you." Jim says picking up Kim and making her laugh. Kim gets down and walks away with Suzanne. Jim looks at Edward for one last time before walking away.

Edward turns around disappointed and walks to Marge to get the cookies.


At Dinner time, the Bogg family sat down in their usual place with Suzanne and Jim joining them. Edward carves the roast with his hands since it would be faster than trying to hold the knife.

"Bill, you know what Edward was telling me he had lunch at Jackie's today. She just had her kitchen completely redone. New paint, new cabinets, new floors, a new microwave, new silent dishwasher. Isn't that something?" Peg says while Bill mindless says compliments. Suzanne looked at the roast Edward was cutting in front of her was an unpleasant look.

Peg turns to look a Jim, "Jim, didn't you tell me your mom had her kitchen done too?" She asks.

"Yeah. My dad bought himself a bunch of new toys. Big-screen TV, CD player, VCR with four heads." Jim says.

"My goodness sake! I wonder what it's like to be that rich." Peg says with a smile on her face.

"They keep things pretty much locked up. My father has his own room for his stuff to make sure I can't get any use of it. He's so cheap, he won't even help me buy an old car." Jim explains.

"He probably wants you to pay for it yourself. I agree with him. Builds character. You'll appreciate it more." Bill explains.

"Dad." Kim says.

"Speaking of money, I understand you're not charging for your gardening, Edward." Bill says eager to change the subject.

"Now, Bill, Marge made him cookies today." Peg says.

"Sweetheart, you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies. You can't buy a car with cookies. Am I right, Jim?" Bill asks.

"That's true sir. You can't." Jim agrees.

"Dad, Edward is still learning how social life works. He has been stuck in the castle for who knows how long. Just give him time." Y/n explains while making sure Edward is okay.

Edward grabs a slice and holds it out towards Suzanne. She shakes her head. "I-I can't eat that. He used his hands. I don't think it's sanitary." Suzzane says.

"Don't worry. I made sure to sanitize them every time he came home. They are good to eat from." Y/n says while Suzanne still shakes her head no. Edward quickly offers the piece to Kim, but it slips out of his hands by accident. 

Kim looks down and looks at Edward with a displeased look. "I'm sorry." Edward quickly says and Peg helps him sit back down. Jim looks and tries to hold his laugh, but couldn't. 

"Honey, you want me to help you clean that up?" Peg asks while Kim picks up the piece and places it on the table. "No, that's okay. I'll be right back." Kim gets up and leaves the table.

Edward looks down sad and Y/n decides to cheer him up. "Don't worry Edward, I've done the same thing once too. She's going to survive." Y/n says with a smile and Edward smiles too.


The next day, Edward is finishing touching up a girl dancing hedge. He looks behind him to see a dog with long raggedy hair lying down in the shade. Edward leans down and cuts a piece of hair off. The dog looked at him and decided to let Edward cut his hair.

Edward automatically begins snipping and trimming his hair into a unique shape. Hair flies everywhere covering the grass and bits getting stuck in Edward's hair.

The owner was watering the grass when she heard a bark and when she turned she gasped in delight. "Alexis? Oh, this can't possibly be my Alexis! She looks so beautiful! Look at you! Sweetie!" She kneels and starts hugging her. "She's gorgeous. Thank you!


News goes around the neighborhood about Edward cutting Alexis the dog's hair and all of the neighborhood women with their dogs lined up in the Bogg's backyard.

"It won't be long. She just has to decide on the style. And then it'll be fine." Peg walks down the line explaining why it was taking a while. At the table, Joyce was telling Edward how she wanted Kisses's hair to look.

"I was hopin' for somethin' big and kinda bouffant. Kinda like mine? Now don't you worry, Kisses, you're gonna be just fine. You're gonna be so pretty. Yes, you are." Joyce says and Edward starts trimming making Joyce gasp.

Hair flies around and all of the women in line clap with excitement. Joyce turns to look at Edward with adoring eyes and when she looks back at Kisses her hair is done. "Oh! Eddie, is there anything you can't do? You take my very breath away, I swear. Look at this." She looks at Edward and an idea pops in her brain. "Have you ever cut a woman's hair? Would you cut mine?"

Joyce went to grab a chair and place it next to the table. She sits down and Edward stands behind her, gently moving her head to study her head. She exhales quietly, enjoying the feeling of the cool blades. Edward then proceeds the cut her hair here and there. Joyce moans quietly and squeezes her toes and eyes shut in bliss. When Edward was finished he stepped back expecting his finished work.

Joyce opens her eyes and touches her hair. "That was the single most thrillin' experience of my whole life." Joyce whispers. Now both dogs and women are getting their hair cut, some more drastic than others.

Edward cleans the chair and motions Peg to take a seat. Peg walks towards Edward with a smile on her face and sits down with a bigger smile.


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