Chapter 2- Don't Be Afraid

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Peg slowly drives through the Mansion's gate and carefully drives up the mountain. Y/n looks around her surroundings and looks at her mother in question. "Why are we driving up to the abandoned Mansion? No one has lived up there in years."

"I just have a feeling, dear. Trust me." Peg answers, not taking her eyes off the road. 

Once they reach the front of the Mansion, they both get out of the car and look at the gate in fascination. They slipped through the small opening the gate had and what they saw inside took their breath away.

Inside, a perfectly maintained garden stood with roses, exotic flowers, bushes shaped like different animals, people, and a dragon, and in the center is a round flowerbed with a tree shaped like a hand. 

They walk through the garden and in every direction they look, the more they are amazed. Out of the corner of Y/n's eye, she saw something move away from the window on the top floor. Peg calls out, but no one responds.

They walked up to the front door and Peg bangs the brass knocker. They wait patiently, but nobody answers. Peg tries the handle and the door opens. Before Y/n can protest, Peg walks through the doorway and Y/n follows after.

"Hello. Avon calling!" Peg yells out.

They look around the marble entrance to see it empty and then walk towards the kitchen. It is filled with elaborate gadgets covered with dust and cobwebs. In the middle is a long conveyor belt that seems to be the main gadget. 

Y/n looks at the gadgets in amazement while Peg is nervous. She grabs Y/n's hand and walks backward towards the stairs. In the distance, they heard scissors snipping and when they turned around on top of the stairs they saw a shadow run away.

Quickly Peg pulls Y/n up the stairs, trying to catch up to the shadow. "Hello. I'm Peg Boggs, and this is my daughter Y/n Boggs. I'm your local Avon representative. Hello?"

They reach the top of the stairs and look around to see another flight of stairs that reach the Attic. They decide to run up those as well. "I'm sorry to barge in like this, but you don't have any reason to be afraid. Oh! This is some huge house, isn't it? Thank goodness for those aerobics...classes."

They reached the Attic and saw a huge hole in the roof, letting sunlight light up the room. They walked toward the middle of the room and saw by one of the walls a cut-up bed with something plaster on the wall.

They walked closer and saw it were cut-out pictures and news headings. Off in the distance, Y/n heard a faint snipping sound, and when she turned toward the sound she saw a man squatting down trying to make himself seem small. 

"Hello. Why are you hiding back there? Sorry for startling you." Y/n questions making Peg turn around and slowly walk towards him.

"You don't have to hide from us. I'm Peg Boggs. This is my daughter Y/n. I'm your local Avon representative. And I'm as harmless as cherry p-" Peg stops once the man stands up and walks towards her. She sees him holding blades and slowly backs away toward Y/n to grab her hand. "Oh, my. I can see that I've disturbed you. How stupid of me. We'll just be going now." 

"Don't go." The man says quietly. He walks into the light to see his hair untamed, his face full of little scars, and his hands made out of scissors. This is Edward. The two look at him, one curious while the other shocked.

"Oh, my. What happened to you?" Peg questions.

"I'm not finished." Edward says lifting his hands towards them. 

"Oh! Put those down. Don't come any closer. Just, please-." Peg says moving Y/n behind her and raising her hand out. Edward does what he is told and stands in front of them shaking with anxiety. 

Y/n peaks out behind Peg and looks at Edward closely. "Those are your hands? Those are your hands." Y/n concludes.

"What happened to you? Where are your parents? Um, your mother? Your father?" Peg questions coming closer to Edward.

"He didn't wake up." Edward whispers. Y/n looks at him with sadness.

"Are you alone? Do you live here all by yourself?" Edward doesn't answer and Peg gets a closer look at his face. "What happened to your face? Hmm." She reaches out, but Edward flinchs away. "No, I won't hurt you. But at the very least let me give you a good astringent. This will help to prevent infection."

Y/n looks at Peg with a deadpan face. "Mom..." Peg doesn't listen and kneels to grab a cotton ball with astringent. She stands up and gently dabs Edward's face with it. 

"What's your name?" Y/n questions after a few seconds of silence. 


"Edward? What a beautiful name." Y/n says with a smile and she can see Edward give her a faint smile.

"I think you should just come home with us." Peg says with a smile and grabs her case. Y/n decides to help Edward down the stairs while Peg leads them towards the car. While walking Y/n couldn't help but look at Edward's hands and metal human parts. She is fascinated by them and when she looks back up she can see Edward looking at her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Y/n says smiling up at him.

Once in the car, Y/n decides Edward should be in the passenger seat and Y/n in the back since she wanted Edward to be able to look around outside.


Peg drives through the streets and Edward has a happy smile on his face. Peg looks at him and smiles once seeing Edward happy to be outside the Mansion. He sees the houses glow in the sun, the lawns looking so green, and kids running and laughing while playing in the water.

Edward points with excitement in front of Peg and it makes her scream in shock, but she calms down fast. Y/n saw this and wanted to laugh, but decided not to.

"I-I'm sorry." Edward says thinking his in trouble.

"No, no, don't be. You go ahead and look. You have every reason to be excited." Peg reassures him. He looks out the window to see a man mowing his lawn and he accidently bangs his head hard against the glass.

"You okay? Don't worry sometimes that happens to me too." Y/n says trying to make Edward feel better. They pass by multiple women, who go into their house after seeing Peg's car pass them. One of the women goes back into her house and dials the phone to call Helen. 


Helen walks into the kitchen with rollers in her hair and answers the phone. "Hello."

"Hi. Yeah, it's Marge. Listen, I was standing outside, I was talking to Carol and Peg drove by, and she had somebody with her in the car." Marge says.

"Are you sure it wasn't Y/n?" Helen asks.

"No, she was in the back seat. This is someone else."

"Did you get a good look at him?"

"No, I didn't get a good look at him. Did she say anything to you about having a guest or something?"

"She didn't say anything to me at all. She rang my doorbell at the crack of dawn this morning."

"No. Okay, I'll meet you on the corner. Right. Bye." Marge hangs up and walks away. 

Helen starts calling someone else but hears a beeping noise. "Oh, damn." She hangs up and starts taking off her rollers.


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