Chapter 14- Christmas Wish Or Nightmare

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It's the Evening of the Christmas party and Bill is on top of the roof setting down the fake snow to go with the huge letters that he placed there before. He is singing a Christmas song so loud that you can hear it from inside the house


Inside, Peg, Kim, and Y/n are putting last-minute details to the Christmas tree. Peg is wearing a red dress that compliments her new haircut, Kim is wearing a white dress, and Y/n is wearing a light blue dress she had found in her closet that she had never worn before.

"It needs something...else. What do you think, dears?" Peg says looking at the tree.

"More bells?" Kim suggests.

"More bells. Okay." Peg agrees as Kim hands her some bells.

"Mom, do you really think we should be having this party after with what had happened?" Y/n asks not having a good feeling.

"Of course, I think we should be having this party. Of course, I do. It's just what we need just to calm things down. And everything will just go back to normal." Peg smiles at the two girls and then looks back at the tree. "Do you have any more bells, honey?"

"I'll go check." Y/n says and walks to a pile of boxes close by. When she looked through them something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. She gets up and walks towards the patio in fascination with what she is seeing.

She steps into the backyard and snow starts falling, but the thing that was fascinating for her was that it was only snowing in their backyard. When she turned the corner she saw Edward carving an ice sculpture of an angel, he was the reason it was "snowing".

She walks closer and opens her arms to feel the falling flakes landing on her skin. She closes her eyes with a smile on her face and starts dancing in a dreamlike state. For the first time in a while, Y/n was comfortable being herself and not worrying about what people think or say about her. She never wanted this to end

But the moment ended shortly when Jim yelled out startling the both of them and Edward accidentally cut Y/n's hand. She gasped as she saw the blood trickling down her arm and Edward got down from the ladder to see what he had done.

"Now you've done it." Jim says walking into the backyard. Kim walks outside after hearing Jim yell and she runs to Y/n after seeing blood fall to the ground.

"It's just a scratch, Jim. Really, it's okay." Kim says trying to get between Edward and Jim.

"Stay back! Touch them again and I'll kill you." Jim points to Edward. Peg walks out after hearing the commotion to see the scene in front of her.

"It's no big deal." Y/n says to Peg.

"Call a doctor. He skewered Y/n." Jim says then turning to look at Edward. "Stay away from them, okay? I mean it." Jim pushes Edward away. "You can't touch anything without destroying it. Who the hell do you think you are hanging around here anyway?" Jim says once more pushing Edward.


Peg and Kim lead Y/n inside to help heal the cut. "I want you to sit down and wait for me to bring you some ice. Stay right there. I'll be right back." Peg says while Kim and Y/n sit down on the couch.

Kim pressed a napkin on Y/n's cut making her gasp. "Sorry. Just to let you know, I know Edward didn't mean to. It was Jim's fault." Kim says making Y/n look at her in shock.

"I thought you might be on Jim's side since he is your boyfriend?" Y/n says while closing her eyes due to the pain.

"Ex-boyfriend." Kim says making Y/n smile.


Bill is singing on the roof not knowing what had happened and he saw/heard Jim yell at Edward. "Hey, Edward. Where you goin'" Bill says standing up on the roof while Edward walks away. Bill shakes his head before heading down.


Y/n and Kim walk back outside after Peg wraps Y/n's hand and they see Jim there, but with no Edward in sight.

"Where is he?" Y/n says with a furious look.

"He tried to hurt you. Right, Kim" Jim says.

"No, he did not and you know it." Kim says making Jim glare at her.

"Are you nuts!? I just saw him!" Jim says pointing to the direction he was standing from earlier.

"No, you didn't!" Y/n screams.

"Jim, I don't love you anymore. I just want you to go. Okay, just go!" Kim says and Jim looks at her with a heartbroken expression.

"Are you serious? I'm gonna lose you to that and this. He isn't even human and she is a freak." Jim says pointing to Y/n and that made Kim snap.

"Just get out of here! Okay! Just go!" Kim hits him on his shoulder and Jim walks away glaring at the two.

Bill opens the gate with the fake snow and looks at the roof to see how it looks. Y/n and Kim look back at the noise and are relieved.

"Dad, did you see where Edward went?" Y/n asks.

"Oh, I don't know. He just waltzed down the street." Bill says while Peg walks outside.

"We have to go find him, Mom." Kim says.

"Your father will find him." Peg says as she gently grabs Y/n wrist to take her back inside.

"Go on in the house. I'll take care of it. I'll go find him." Bill says and whistles walking away.


Edward hurries walk on the sidewalk with his hands snipping constantly and cuts off his clothes along with the hedges he trimmed earlier. He passes Helen's house and cuts the leg off the ballerina hedge. She sees this and bangs on the window. "Edward! I'm calling the police!"

He continues walking and sees a parked car on someone's driveway and he stabs it. He goes to pull it out, but it's stuck. He struggles for a moment and he finally manages to pull them out. The tire deflates and he walks away without batting an eye to it.


In Esmeralda's living room, she is playing a carol on her organ, but she hears movement outside, so she goes to check it out. She slowly walks towards the window and when she pulls open the curtains she screams.

In front of the window Edward cuts the bush into a demon with red glowing eyes facing the window.

Esmeralda looks at it and starts praying.


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