Chapter 4- Dinner

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Up and down the block, different women leave their houses and meet up with other women walking on the sidewalk. Marge and Joyce walked past Helen's house and saw her running out.

"Come on! We can't wait for you. You've got rollers in your damn hair." Marge says to Helen who catches up with the two.

Esmeralda looks out of her window to see different women meeting up on the sidewalk. Her expression is menacing and full of judgment while watching the women talk amongst themselves.


In the Family Room, Peg stitches up Edward's shirt, safety pinning the overalls together and adding an extra button on the shirt. "Okay. Now, what did I do with my sci-" She looked through her sewing box to cut the thread when she suddenly remembered Edward's scissors hands. "Edward, um, would you?"

She watches as he snips the thread. "Thank you. You know, I have a doctor friend who I think could help you." 

"Really?" Edward says in disbelief. 

"Yes. Now, I can help with the scars. But I just wanna consult the big Avan handbook before doing anything." She smiles while nodding and Edward smiles encouragingly.


A few hours pass and Y/n bikes down the street with her bag holding a few books. Some being engineering books and others being human anatomy. While at the library, Y/n thought about how Edward was made and it got her thinking if she could help finish building Edward he doesn't have to worry about the scissors anymore. So she starts gathering different books and information.

When she turned the corner she saw almost all of the women in her neighborhood talking amongst each other. She concludes that they are talking about Edward since she saw some of them looking at the car when they went home.

Instead of going through them, she decides to cross the street and peddle a bit faster so they wouldn't start asking the girl many questions. When she looked back, she saw some of the women looking at her and subtly pointing at her. That was her queue to get home quicker.

Once home, she opens the door and sees her mom cooking. "Hey Mom, I'm home." Y/n looks around to not see the crazy hair Edward. "Um...where's Edward?"

Peg looks up and smiles at her. "Hello dear, I hope you had a great time at the library, and don't worry Edward is walking around, trying to get used to the house." Peg then goes back to cooking.

Y/n nods and walks to her room. Going to the hallway she can see Edward leaving the Family room with his new outfit. "Hello, Edward. I see that you found new clothes and I think it suits nice." Edward looks up and smiles at Y/n, happy that she is home now. "Are you finding everything ok?" She asked.

"Yes." Edward softly replies. Y/n thinks for a moment and comes up with an idea. "Would you like to see my room? I think you might like it." Edward nods and follows the girl to her room.

Y/n opens her door and Edward is amazed since it reminds him of his inventor's office. The walls are light gray with different drawings of machines and other things she saw, a long desk is by the window, and on top is clutter with different parts and books open, her bed is normal with dark grey sheets and pillows, and a matching dresser near the closet.

Y/n steps to the side to let Edward walk in and he looks at the different drawings she has drawn through the years. "I know it looks messy, but you get used to it." Edward then looks at the shelves on the wall to see many pictures, books, and little items. "If you haven't noticed, I'm a big bookworm and prefer to be by myself than go out like Kim does."

Y/n walks towards her desk and takes out the many books she has. Edward becomes curious and goes to the desk as well. He sees the engineering and anatomy books and looks at Y/n. "I guess I should tell you since you are here, but I want to help you. Since you told us you're not finished, I decided to give it a try and help finish building you. No one should walk around with scissors for hands and have a chance of harming themselves or others."

Y/n sees Edward give her the biggest smile she has ever seen from him and continues telling Edward all of the things she has built and read while Edward just listens with a smile on his face.


The chatter outside continues till the evening, many cars round the corner and approach their own driveways. Signaling the women to finish their conversation and head back home to their returning husbands. The group disperses and some run back home to finish or start dinner while others walk back still talking with others.


At the Dining Room, Peg's husband, Bill, sits at the head of the table, Peg on the left, Y/n next to Peg, their son Kevin on the other side, and Edward across from Bill. He fumbles with his fork trying to pick them up. Edward is aware of the noise he is making and tries to be quiet about it, so he concentrates more on at least picking up something.

Peg tries to cover her embarrassment by behaving as if nothing is happening, Y/n looks down at her food trying to resist help feeding Edward herself, Bill eats slowly while glancing up, and Kevin just stares at Edward.

"Kevin." Peg whispers and Kevin looks up at Peg, but goes back to staring. "Kevin, it's not polite to stare, dear. Kevin, think how it would make you feel if somebody were staring at you." Peg quietly scolds while Edward still has trouble holding something.

"I wouldn't care." Kevin answers quietly.

"Well, I would. So don't do it." Peg whispers harshly.

Bill wanting the conversation to end, speaks up trying to attempt a new conversation. "Well, this must be quite a change for you. Right, Ed?"

"Edward, dear. I think he prefers Edward." Peg corrects Bill.

"Ah, sure. So, what have you been doing with yourself up there in that big old place? I bet, uh-I bet the view must be spectacular. Huh, Ed?"

"Edward." Peg corrects again and Edward looks up. "Yes?"

"Mmm. No, I-I was just-" Peg tries to tell him, but Bill intervenes. "See all the way to the ocean, I bet, huh?

"Sometimes." Edward quietly responded.

"Bill, could I have the salt and pepper, please?" Bill doesn't move a muscle so Peg repeats herself and it gains his attention so he passes her what she asks. She looks at Kevin to see him staring again and calls his name.

Edward gives up on the silverware and uses his hands. He grabs a pea and before he can eat, it falls off. Y/n couldn't see him suffer anymore, she scooted closer to Edward, picked up his silverware, and helped him eat. Bill was about to say something, but looking at the glare Y/n was giving him he decided not to.

Kevin stares once more and couldn't contain himself any longer. "Man, those things are cool. I bet they're razor-sharp. One karate chop to a guy's neck-" Peg not wanting to hear more calls out his name.

"Edward, would you like some butter for your bread?" Peg asks and Y/n leans back so Edward can cut a piece of butter and place it on the bread.

"Great." Peg exclaims.

"Thank you." Edward says and tries to spread the butter on the slice of bread.

"Hey, can I bring him to show-and-tell on Monday?" Kevin asks, but it seems to be Peg's limit. "Kevin, I've had enough." Edward grabs the napkin and dabs his mouth, smiling at them.


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