Chapter 10- Shocking Days

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Edward and Peg sit on the stage of a local daytime talk show with a plant shaped like a giraffe and a dog trimmed on either side of them. "Quite a story, yes? Any questions for Edward?" The Host asks walking through the crowd.

A woman raises her hand and the host walks towards her asking her to stand up. "What's been the best part of your new life here in town?" The woman asks.

"The friends I've made." Edward says glancing at Peg and the audience claps.

"Any other questions?" The Host asks and another women raise her hand.

"Have you ever thought of having corrective surgery or prosthetics? I know a doctor that might be able to help you." The woman asks.

"I'd like to meet him." Edward says since he promised Y/n to keep what she's working on as a secret.

"We'll get that name after the show. Thank you. That's very nice. Anyone else? Yes, stand right up." The host walks to another woman.

"But if you have regular hands, you'd be like everyone else." She pointed out.

"Yes, I know." Edward smiles.

"I think he'd like that." The host says and looks down at the woman next to him. "But then, no one would think you were special. You wouldn't be on TV or anything." The woman says.

"No matter what, Edward will always be special." Peg answers and smiles at Edward like a proud mother. Edward smiles shyly as the audience applauds. 

"More questions? Yes. Stand right up."

"Your work is so interesting, distinctive, and unique. I wonder, do you have any plans to open your own beauty salon?" An older woman asks.

"Oh, there's an idea." The host says and starts looking around. "Anyone else? Yeah. Stand right up." 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" The woman giggles.

"Ohhhh." The audience and host say.

Edward looks around nervously and looks straight into the camera.


In the living room, Y/n, Kim, Jim, and Kevin sit on the floor watching the interview. "Sure he does. Right, Y/n?" Jim says teasing her.

"Right, Y/n?" Kevin copies.

"Great. Now you got him started. Leave her alone." Kim says not liking how the boys tease the other girl.

"Knock it off, bubble-butt." Jim says lightly swatting Kevin's shoulder, not wanting Kim to be mad at him.

"You did it." Kevin argues back.

"So?" Jim says and the boys look back at the TV.

"How about it, Edward? Is there some special lady in your life?" The host says from the TV and the camera points back at Edward. He stared at the camera and without noticing Y/n was staring back at the TV, both of them holding eye contact without the other realizing.


Edward leans in towards the mic and his hands accidentally make contact with the wires sending him flying backwards. Everyone gasped as sparks flew and smoke came out of the mic. Peg gets up to check on Edward as he lays there on the ground.

"Uh...everything's all right. We'll take a break and we'll be back after these messages." The Host says while looking at the stage.


Jim and Kevin laugh while Kim hits Jim in the shoulder to stop. Y/n hands flew to her mouth shocked at what had happened. She turned to see the boys laughing and Kim trying to stop them. 

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