Chapter 9- Enchanted

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In the Master bedroom, Edward sits by a table while Peg sits on the bed with the phone in her hand. "They're getting the head of the company!" Peg exclaims.

"I'm home!" Kim yells out.

"Hi, honey. Where in here." Peg says. Kim walks into the room with a smile on her face saying hi. "What did you do to your hair?" Kim questions.

"Edward cut it. Isn't it wild?" Peg says while Edward nods his head with a facemask on. The phone connects making Peg raise her finger. "Hello? Oh, I can't believe I'm talking to you in person. This is such an honor." Kim smiles and slowly walks away.

Peg listens to the other person on the phone. "Yes. He's right here. Great, so then you know all about him. Uh-huh. Well, that's exactly what I've been using." Peg grabs a jar and starts mixing it. "Well, I've had a little trouble getting it the right consistency...well, just a little." 

As Peg listens on the phone, Edward looks down at the table, scoops a small amount of different lotions, and smells them. "I'll try that. Well, what imaginative suggestions. I sure will. Thank you so much. Bye-bye." Peg hangs up. "No wonder she's the head of the company. You know, she started out as a sales representative just like me. I've always wanted to talk to her, but until now I never had a reason. Thanks, Edward."

"She has some ideas?" Edward asks.

"You bet she did." Peg says. She places her glasses on her head and starts applying more product to his face.

After Peg had finished and wiped off all the cream and product on Edward's face, Y/n knocked at the door. Peg turned around and Edward smiled more naturally once seeing the girl. "Hi, darling. Do you need anything?" Peg asks.

"Are you both done so I can borrow Edward? Or are you still..." Y/n questions since she had an idea and wanted to show Edward. "Yes, we are. Edward why don't you go with Y/n while I clean up." Peg says.

Edward gets up and walks with Y/n to her room. When they went inside her room, he could see drawings of not just him, but of hands and hairstyles on the table. He went to take a closer look with a smile on his face and remembered all of the plans he had seen back at the mansion.

"I guess you already see what I was gonna tell you, but it's great since you can help me with what you would like." Y/n says standing next to Edward also looking at the drawings. "I decided that I want to help finish building you since you have been doing so much for the neighborhood. The only problem is that I don't have the original plans and how you work from your inventor, but with your help, I think I could do it." Y/n says.

Edward looks at Y/n and when she looks back she can see a new emotion in his eyes. Adoration fills Edward as he looks at the young inventor since the last person to do something important for him left. Edward is about to hug her, but stops himself when he remembers that he can hurt her with his hands. Instead, he smiles at her. "Thank you." Edward says.

Y/n smiles back and looks up at his hair studying it. "Why don't we fix up your hair first to make it look less than a bird nest and make it a little bit more neat." Y/n grabs Edward's sleeve and sits him down on a chair. She grabs a water spray, and a hairbrush and starts untangling his hair, all the while Edward sits down with the biggest smile he has ever had.


A couple of days later, Helen decided to take Edward to the shopping center to surprise him with a gift. She parks the car and reaches across to open the door for him. They walk on the sidewalk and Edward spots Y/n with Kim and some of Kim's friends. 

Y/n was dragged there since Kim wanted to go out with her friends and Peg decided it was a good opportunity for Y/n to make friends and to spend more time with Kim. So while Kim was having fun, Y/n just wanted to go home and continue her project for Edward.

As Edward watches Y/n, he slowly walks toward her completely enchanted with her. He wanted to spend the day with her and feel like a full person just once. He stops when he sees her walk behind Kim and Jim leaving and when she gets in the van, he stands there watching.

"Edward. We're here. Come on, let's get you sharpened up." Helen says breaking Edward from his enchantment. Edward looks back at the van and goes to follow Helen into a store to sharpen his hands since they were becoming dull. 


Kim, Jim, and Y/n stand outside the girl's house since they were looking for the key to get in. "You got it?" Jim says to Kim who was looking in her purse. "No. I can't believe this. This is such a drag." Kim says. Jim looks at Y/n who was standing there and admiring all of the sculptures Edward had done. 

"You're smart. Can't you like pick the lock or something so the door can open."Jim says making Y/n look at him with an unamused face. "You're strong. Can't you like force the door open? Besides each lock is different so even if I could open it, it would take time and I know both of you don't have the patience for it." Y/n states making Jim and Kim huff with anger.

Helen stops the car in front of the house and opens the door for Edward. They each said bye to each other and Edward could see Jim tugging at the window, Kim looking through her purse, and Y/n standing there with her hand on her forehead.

"Do you have a key?" Kim says once spotting Edward.

"No." Edward answers.

"I could have sworn they were in my purse." Kim says under her breath.

"Well, we're stranded." Jim says after trying to open the window.

Edward looks at the front door lock and starts to fiddle with it. After a few seconds, the door unlocks making the three amazed. "Wow! Thanks!" Kim smiles at Edward and walks inside. "Ed! What a guy! Good job. You didn't break it or scratch it or anything. Be a pal and yell when Peg pulls in." Jim says patting Edwards back and following Kim.

Edward motions Y/n to walk in before him and she smiles as a thanks. "I think they are starting to like you." Y/n says while Edward follows her into the house.

"You think." Edward says.

"Yup, and soon enough they will start asking you to go out with them to start having fun." Y/n says when they walk into her room.

"Your fun, too." Edward says quietly, but Y/n is able to hear him. "Thank you, Edward. You're fun to hang around with too. Now, why don't we start sketching up ideas on how we want your hands to look like." Y/n says while pulling another chair to the desk to sit together and start planning.

Y/n and Edward were into each other's company so they didn't hear Peg drive up and Kim and Jim almost got caught.


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