Chapter. 31

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Feeling a sudden warmth engulfing him, the alpha's heart melted when Jungkook’s arm wrapped around him, the omega's hair are still wet from the bath they had just a while ago, claded in his own plain white shirt — and yet again, his soft eyes and gorgeous, gentle smile came infront of his eyes and his lips twitch in a tender smile too. Taehyung buries his face more over the omega's moist hair, the warmth of Jungkook’s presence in his bed and daisy scent not physically but emotionally cocooning him and shielding him from everything bad.

Just like that, being engulfed in the younger’s warmth and care, Taehyung felt sleep taking over his senses and before he knows, he’s almost drifting into a deep slumber where he is embracing the one in his arms which he yearns for and truly loves. The alpha unconsciously opens his lids halfway when Jungkook shifts his legs and whines in pain. Taehyung's hand, as if were programmed, reached to the omega's lower back, soothing the aching area while rubbing it in soft circles and the younger instantly lets out a purr of relief, snuggling more into Taehyung's shoulder.

The alpha closes his lids and doesn’t dream of a dark forest but a bright field of flowers. He doesn’t see darkness but glimmering light, not the crisped, dried leaves but delicate white roses, standing enchantingly under the blinding light of the golden sun.

He dreams not of deep black haired omega with sharp eyes and coconut scent — but a certain dimpled smile, dark brown hair and pretty, pretty doey eyes with floral scent; he doesn’t feel suffocated but comforted. He dreams of future, he dreams of love.

Taehyung, for the first time ever dreams about someone.

He dreams about Jungkook.


The first thing Jungkook does as he squints his eyes open from sleep is roll over to the other side of the bed. The second thing he does is snap his eyes open and tries to sit hastily over the bed, only to weakly slump his head down over the pillow.

The events of last night occurs in his brain and he finds it difficult to believe that it actually happened.

What, when and how it took place. The omega couldn't understand.

Where was Taehyung?

Him and Jungkook slept together, he remembers sleeping in the man's arms after bathing —

Then where the hell is he now? He can’t even realize but there’s a pout that slowly makes its way on his swollen-red lips. Jungkook's eyes scan across the room so as to find the alpha who oh so cruelly left him alone on this huge bed alone. The omega's heart nearly sinked down to his stomach.

The duvet is crumpled from one end, along with the bedsheets. The light of the bathroom is still on, the door left open slightly but that too, is empty. "Taehyung?" He calls out, pinching his brows together when he doesn’t find any sign of the older in the room.

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