[Fetus writing]
The omega narrows his eyes, glaring at the alpha while clenching his fists. His husband's lips forms into a full smirk at the expected reaction, eyes gleaming with...
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There it was again. But this time, a bit more louder causing all the thoughts of his mind running tricks on him to perish away and replace themselves with the curiosity of what's inside. Was it rage? Was it anger? Or was it jealousy? Taehyung didn't speak a word, didn't even hesitated as he approached to the passenger seat of his car, abruptly opening it, his gaze taking in the shaky form of Jungkook.
"Come straight to the room"
With saying that the alpha turns around, leaving Jungkook in the coldness of night alone, a shiver ran down his spine at the deep, sharp voice.
He sighed gently, before stepping out of the car, closing the door behind him with a small slam.
The omega makes his way inside the house, sighing in relief when he found no one in the living area. His imo must be in her room and Jungkook let out a loudest exhale of relief, straight strolling towards his and Taehyung's room without any other thought. He needs to explain. He needs to clear the misunderstanding or whatever the alpha might be thinking about the incident right now. Their relationship is already so weak, a lightest blow and it would all crumble down again. Jungkook isn't even aware that if Taehyung even trusts him wholly or not.
He doesn't actually and it makes him even more miserable.
Whatever the outcome might be — Jungkook won't stay silent today, he won't keep quite like always. The omega would face everything Taehyung has to offer.
Not today, the alpha must have to listen to him or Jungkook would die otherwise. His heart won't be able to take it.
Inside the darkness of his room, sat Taehyung on his bed, with his legs parted, tie loosened, first two buttons undone to show off his chest — hair pushed back messily to reveal his forehead, eyesbrows puckered, jaw tight and pupils dilating. His dark eyes fixed over the room's door, waiting for it to be open already. And there he was — with his big doe glossy eyes, cheeks flushed as he stared at Taehyung with the most fearful look on his face, his body trembling like a perished leaf where he had cornered himself beside the door after entering.
Taehyung's sharp eyebrows rose.
Jungkook sighs shakily before opening his mouth, his lips quivering "I know you h-hate me and won't believe me but I didn't called him there" He began, chewing on his lower lip.
"Did I asked?"
The omega stared at the alpha, shaking his head slowly, he took a step forward and then another "I —"
Taehyung's gaze hardens "Answer to me Jungkook, did I asked?" The man inquires sharply, watching the younger walking towards him to stand right infront of him.
"I'll have to give you explanations all my l-life. This is how it's going to be between us. You won't ever trust me" Jungkook whispers, his eyelids getting heavy with tiredness. "Why are you reacting like this then? It wasn't my fault, Hyunwoo was —"