Chapter. 36

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. . . with our baby.

Taehyung's eyes shimmered with tears once again. He's going be to a father. Their baby, his and Jungkook's.

The alpha lets out a stuttering exhale as he tilts up his body to gaze at his omega, Jungkook had his head resting over a pillow now as he peers quitely at the ceiling. Taehyung's heart breaks seeing him like that, the younger never speak when it's not needed, if him and his mother doesn't start a conversation, Jungkook never utters a single world. Today, for the first time in ever the omega opened up to him, bared his raw emotions and miseries infront of him.

Taehyung though, can't help but feel more worse by each passing second in Jungkook's presence, by looking at his face and blank eyes, knowing the fact truly that he's one of his tormentor.

That’s the thing about a heartache and regret, it leaves you questioning everything. What we could've done better, what we should’ve said, what we shouldn’t have said. It all plays in his mind like a tune that won’t leave, only this is more annoying. Because unlike a song, Taehyung can’t truly get rid of it simply by listening to another song. This is here to stay because the alpha can't know that if Jungkook would ever forgive him? Would they be better again?

Again? Taehyung wants to laugh at himself. When they were even better? It's him who thought that everyone is turning right when the omega was suffering silently, the poor soul didn't had anyone to share what he's feeling inside his already shattered heart except some old papers and a pen.

He tilts his head over the mattress to glance at Jungkook. The alpha can't help but move his lips to question silently, observing the side of the omega's small and calm face, the long hairs scattered all around his head over the pillow.

"How did you managed to l-live such a difficult life Jungkook?" Taehyung's weak and broken whisper echoed in their dark and quite room.

The younger's eyes fluttered shut when the question registered inside his brain.

How should he even answer it? Jungkook himself doesn't know.

"Hope" The omega somehow managed to murmur after a while, wincing inaudibly so the alpha couldn't hear when he felt pressure in his lower ribs, his pup is so energetic for the one who's barely three months.

"I had only hope that one day ⁠—" The caressing over his belly's clothed skin continues as he took a deep breathe before finally looking sideways at the alpha who's already gaping at him. " . . . it all would be over. But years later and here I'm, still nothing changed"

"I tried Jungkook and I will try my best, do you? . . ." The alpha began nervously "Do you not have even an ounce of trust in me that I would make it all better? That together we would fix this?"

The omega bites his lips, then shook his head softly.

The alpha's smiles sadly at that, his eyes flicking somewhere else.

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