Chapter. 6

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Jungkook combed his dark hair neatly, just to ruffle them messily so they could fall over his forehead and eyes, he likes it that way. The omega is claded in neatly pressed beige top, which has ruffled baggy sleeves and crinkled collar. Paired with dark brown bell bottoms.

The outfit looks good on him, he wonders. The one his mother brought for him yesterday. He must've showed his irritation infront of his mother that he does not want anything from her anymore. But here he is, wearing the clothes which she brought. His lips twitches sadly when he remembers how his mother always use to bring prettiest of clothes for him in childhood because the omega always loved to doll up beautifully.

Sighing one last time, he sprays a little floral scented perfume on his wrists. Same as his natural scent and leaves the room to start his day.


"Haneul, how have you been?" Jungkook greets the caretaker of his imo house as soon as he entered into the living room.

The omega boy, who is almost three years younger than him stops wiping the kitchen counter and smiles brightly at the older omega. "Jungkook hyung" He starts, then bows "I'm good, how are you? it's been so long you last visited here!" the boy exclaims.

The older omega pats his shoulder and hands him some books, "I'm good as well, and these are the books you mentioned to me last time. How are your studies going though?"

Hanuel grabs the books from his hands. Then looks at the omega generously "Thankyou so much hyung. This means alot to me. And I have annual exams coming in next two months this will help me alot"

"It's nothing Haneul, let me know if you need any kind of help. I would love to be at service" Jungkook began "And if you want to pay me back, you can just make a good coffee" The omega suggests playfully.

Haneul smiles at that "Do you even have to ask for that hyung? Coffee with extra sugar?"

Jungkook giggles, nodding his head. Then proceeds to walks inside the house.

"Imo" he calls when he reaches on the upper floor, searching for the woman. "I'm here" a faint voice calls and the omega knows it's coming from Taehyung's room. He takes a deep breathe and steps into the large room. He sucks a sharp breathe again and his eyes flutters as soon he entered into Taehyung's room. He swore that he can smell the alpha's cinnamon scent with a hint of wet soil still lingering in the air.

"My heart" His imo calls and Jungkook shrugged all of his thoughts to greet his imo. The woman smiles wholeheartedly seeing him, she approached closed to him and hugged him in her embrace, pecking his forehead afterwards. "How are you my love?" Aera asked in a sweet tone that always melts Jungkook's heart.

"I'm good imo" Jungkook beams and sits on the chair placed near to the wardrobe. Swinging his legs like a little kid. The woman nods at him, continues to fold the clothes of her son. "I was just thinking about you" Aera began "You have such a long life, you came in just like a ghost" his imo teases and Jungkook's shakes his head, chuckling lightly. "Not a ghost, I'm a witch imo"

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