Chapter. 38

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"I'm sorry . . . I'm so, so sorry h-hyung"

Jimin was his best friend, more than that actually, and someone he cared about profoundly, even up to this day. He stood still in silence as his eyes instinctively scanned him. He looked almost the same as a year ago, but slimmer, his hair was dyed blonde, and he wore simple denim sky blue outfit.

But most surprisingly, it was him. It was really him.

The look that the alpha gave him like he was going to sob snapped Jungkook out of it. The omega tried to let go of his hand from the other's hold but Jimin's hold just got tighter, firm.

Seokjin clears his throat, glancing between the omega and unfamiliar alpha "I'm sorry, but Jungkook doesn't seem to be in a position where he can speak to you. If you don't mind, can you give him a little space? If not we'll be excusing ourselves" He ended in a rather firm tone, watching that how Jimin's hold just got hard and hard on Jungkook's hands.

Jimin's lips fell open in surprise, almost like he couldn't even believe that this stranger omega was there to begin with before his face twisted into what was close to fury mixed with sadness. "I'm sorry?" He mocks, "Who the hell are you? This is among us! Are you being serious right now? I thought he was freaking dead for a whole damn year!"

"Shh, baby, calm down" There's a fourth voice amidst them which spoke in a gentle manner, Yoongi purses his lips and takes grabs his mate's arm to pull him back. He knows what Jungkook means to his husband, but he did noticed something in omega, he saw him holding onto his stomach the second Jimin let go of his hands. So he understood that whatever Jimin was doing wasn't right.

The omega was vulnerable and he's sure that his mate didn't noticed it yet.

The alpha shakes his head in disbelief, but as he stared at Jungkook's anxious face he gradually quiten down. He then took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.

"Why?" Jimin whispers, then looks at Seokjin, asks in a demanding but still calm enough to not scare the omega anymore "I'm sorry" He apologizes for his earlier actions and questions almost desperately "But where w-was he all this time?"

"That's something I cannot answer" Seokjin lets out apologetically, continues "Only Jungkook can, but please refrain from speaking loudly or harshly. I understand that you're experiencing different kind of emotions and want answers, but the one you're referring to isn't in his best condition right now" The psychologist explained professionally as he could, not wanting to agitate the confuse alpha in front of him.

Jungkook gulps, protecting him isn't the part of Seokjin's job, the omega has never seen anyone acting so protectively around him only except few, one of them happens to be Jimin who's continuously gazing at him in disbelief.

The omega glances at the therapist then back at his best friend, taking a step ahead, feeling a small surge of bravery.

"Hyung, I apologised, I knew what I did was wrong but can we n-not talk about it here?" Jungkook stuttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

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