[Fetus writing]
The omega narrows his eyes, glaring at the alpha while clenching his fists. His husband's lips forms into a full smirk at the expected reaction, eyes gleaming with...
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"You shouldn't have done this, imo has already brought alot of stuff" Jungkook says, pointing at the numerous bags placed on his bed while he stared expressionlessly at his mother.
Hyerin batted her eyelashes at her son "That's what you always tell me. But it's for your wedding and as your mother it's my responsibility Jungkookie"
The omega's mouth curved into a half smile "But you never actually fulfilled your responsibilities towards me. If you would have then I would not be this powerless as I am now" He stated with a heavy heart, proceeding to look outside from his room's window.
The woman's smile faded at his words as she gaped at her feet "You have no idea that how helpless I was and how helpless I am. There isn't a moment in my life where I don't think about you. You're my greatest gift ever" She speaks, walking closer to her as she sat beside him, on his bed.
Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut when he felt a delicate hand on his hairs, the omega wanted to move back, wanted to yell at this person to leave him alone but at that moment he gulped back his every sorrow and leaned into her touch, mewling softly. Just how a small pup would do. He was desperate.
Desperate for affection, love, care and his mother's warmth.
Hyerin's eyes flooded with tears. She wanted to bring her son closer to chest. But the woman hesitated, continuing to thread the omega's long hair gently with her fingers.
For the first time in last almost ten years, her son didn't refused her touch. Didn't backed off like everytime as if her touch would burn him.
She stopped her movements after a while, proceeding to unclasp the gold bracelet on her left wrist. The woman grabbed her son's hand and Jungkook let her be, he quietly watched with now opened eyes as his mother made him wear the delicate bracelet.
"It looks more beautiful on your hand. I always wanted to give you something which belongs to me on your wedding. It's — your father who gifted m-me this after I gave you b-birth. No one knows except for you now that it's a g-gift from him. I never took it off since then, how could I? It's the most precious thing ever given to me for the greatest blessing in my l-life"" She confessed in a melancholic tone, caressing the omega's hand gently. Jungkook bit his lips to surpass tears building inside his eyes.
He stared at it for sometime, playing it between his fingers gently. The omega hesitantly raised his long lashes upto meet his mother's tear stained face. "Thankyou" The omega almost whispered and Hyerin lunged at him, hugging her son closer to her chest as she sobbed, her heart stinging inside her chest. She smiled through her tears when her son wrapped his arms around her slowly.
Hyerin detached from the hug after some time, wiping her eyes with her sleeves before she cupped Jungkook's cheeks, placing a soft peck on his forehead and the omega closed his eyes shut in contentment.