Chapter. 35

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September 28th.


Very weird events happened in past few days.

Very, very weird.

First, Taehyung, out of nowhere said that he wants to work out our relationship and that he never actually hated me and wants to earn my forgiveness. That I shouldn't call him by his rank anymore.

He also gave me a phone and money, alot, alot of money.

I forgot the envelope he gave me after placing it somewhere, I literally found it everywhere but then I thought Taehyung took it back. So I kept searching it in his coat's pockets, his drawers, his wallet, under his pillow.

But lastly, I did found the envelope in store room, inside the cupboard where I always keep my things hidden.

I thought that I would buy books from some, I would submit some of them in my bank account. I would keep some of them safe with me and if I like something then I would order it online.

But . . . but, suddenly I remembered Hanuel mentioning to me once that he would be needing two months advance for his work soon, he asked me to speak to imo because he hesitated himself.

He needs to pay his college fee. I remember how worried he was when he was babysitting Nari. He's literally a teenager and works day and night at this house along with his education.

And education is so so important, I wanted to achieve so much through education as well . . . I'm still studying but I think that spark inside me dulled long ago.

But I see that motivation in Haneul which I used to had once. He's so passionate for his studies. I kind of see myself in him.

So, I gave that envelope to him, I don't even know how much the amount was inside but I hope that It would help him. He kept refusing and I told him that I won't speak to him so he took them after I insisted him alot.

I didn't needed them anyways, there's everything inside this house.

And then I remember, Taehyung asking me to come along with him in this gala . . . I wanted to say no but I couldn't. I don't want him to be disappointed in me and I could see that he reallly wanted me to join him. Besides, I can't stay locked inside the four walls of this house forever.

Then Hanuel helped me to chose my outfit which I ordered online. I wanted to wear something light but Taehyung said to me once that light colours aren't for me . . . specially not white.

But he isn't like before. His gaze changed, his voice grew fond and I think . . . I think he's the only one who can heal me.

Then when we went together and I was nervous. For a second I wanted Taehyung to take me away from that huge crowd. There were alot of people.

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