Chapter. 5

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Chaewon finishes washing dishes as she wipes the remaining splattered water over the shelf. She sighs in relief after completing all chores of the day. The beta girl watches from the corner of the eyes, a figure stepping into the kitchen.

Jungkook opens the fridge in need of some food, he internally rolls his eyes when he found all of the food packed up in two lunch boxes. One for his uncle and other one probably for his oh so dear cousin, Jeonghan.

He closes the fridge and turns towards the beta maid with his right hand resting on his hip. He raises his left eyebrow "As usual? I live here too unfortunately. Everyone seems to forget that."

The beta girl sighs "Didn't you stayed at your friend's? I thought you would eat there"

Jungkook is left baffled at the reply "I did, but it was the afternoon meal, you really do not have brain do you?"

Chaewon pouts and stomps her feet on the floor "Now what do you want me to do at this hour?"

Jungkook smiles mischievously at that, the beta girl catches up his expressions right away "No way!" she shakes her head quickly.

"Yes way!" The omega moves forward to turn on the stove "I'll help you Chaewon, don't need to overreact"

They ended up making a healthy vegetable soup, it brings up some memories for Jungkook. The memories which are so beloved to his heart yet when he thinks about them they claws at his heart. He can imagine his mother and father sitting both sides of him while they feed him the same healthy soup which Jungkook always loved. The one his father use to make specially for him. Fate was definitely so cruel to him. It snatched his everything so brutally.

His mother, his father, his family, his home, His lo⁠ve —

He clutches the spoon tightly in his hand at that. He quickly shakes his head, shrugging off such thoughts. The omega blew air into the spoon again, parting his lips to feed himself when a gruff voice interrupts his movements.

"Hyerin who came into the morning, waited for you till night. And she left while crying without even telling about her departure to me. What did you do this time?" His grandma spoke through her gritted teeth. Glaring at the omega. Jungkook resumes his movements. Without even looking at his grandmother he continues to drink his soup.

The halmeoni's blood boils at his behaviour and lack of response "Tell me something Jungkook, have you sworn to annoy your mother?" The old woman continues and Jungkook raises his head up finally, uninterested. "She came to meet you right? She should've left after meeting you, why did she kept waiting for me?" Saying that he continues to slurp the soup. Not really paying attention to his grandma.

"Oh trust me I tell her the same thing, when her own son doesn't care about her, then why is she dying for someone like you? Who do not deserve anyone's generosity and humbleness, to the hell with, let him be" The woman continues to throw profanities at him.

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