Chapter. 37

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By the time almost past eleven at night, in the area of dead and quite town, it was already dark. Street lights did little to nothing in illuminating the streets. The man could only hear the distant rushing noises of vehicles from the main road.

The police officer didn't wore his uniform as he wasn't around the duty, but he did had his revolver tucked in the waistband of his pants.

Drug addicts, pocket thieves usually hung around this aera.

His residence was at the end of the block, Taking turns here and there through dark alleys with a few shops, buying cigarettes for himself, he finally stepped into the alley from where his house was just two streets away. He started walking down it, sighing through his nose.

The alley was almost pitch black, drowned in shadows, he shoved his hand in his pocket, proceeding to take out his cell phone while walking ahead almost mindlessly.

Shoulders slighlty hunched, the man kept walking while typing a message into his phone. The alley he was in was so dark, the only source of lighting being the moon that shone over him or the one seeping through his phone's display.

Suddenly, he heard a hushed footsteps behind him, His heart rate picked up upon hearing them, but as he tilted his head up to look back.

No one.

However, he subconsciously brushed his hand against his waist where his gun was securely tucked in, and continued to ankle ahead.

He could see a small, flickering light in the distance, around the corner of the alley, and he knew that he just had to cross yet another street before he securely reaches his home.

That, until, he heard the same voice behind him yet again, this time, he stopped and a figure bumped against him out of nowhere, a hard chest against his back.

The officer stumbled ahead from the force, making him land on the ground on his elbows first.

Confusion taking over every corner of his mind, he looked up at what he had bumped into, his hand instantly going towards his gun.

The officer quickly stood up on his feet and took in the man's appearance infront of him.

He could see nothing, nothing but the eyes.

Masked face, dark black hoodie, covering the head completely and he even wore the black gloves.

Black, dark, from head to toe.

The man coughs, hitting his chest then lets out a small 'sorry' as if he had done nothing before shaking his head to walk ahead the officer.

Just as he was about to pass the officer, he grabbed hoodie claded man's upper arm and dragged him back, making him face, him.

The officer eyes hardens "Who are you —"

His arm got twisted painfully, he didn't even realised when or how the man's glove claded hand went inside his jacket and took out his gun, pressing it against his back hardly while gritting his teeth.

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