Izuku's Oni-Kenpo and Aura Insight explanation

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What is Oni-Kenpo: Oni-Kenpo is a fighting style that focuses on martial arts techniques and shockwave moves.

Here are the techniques of Oni-Kenpo.

Demon Fist Barrage- Similar to Akaza's technique, Izuku would unleash a barrage of punches. Each strike would create powerful shockwaves, capable of shattering defenses and overwhelming opponents with relentless assault.

Roaring Thunder Kick- Izuku develops a devastating kick that combines his strength and the generation of shockwaves. By channeling his energy into a single leg, he would unleash a thunderous kick that not only delivers a powerful impact but also releases shockwaves that radiate outward upon contact.

Chop Swords Slash- It involves a strike delivered with the hand, emulating the slashing motion of a sword.

Hellfire Palm Strike- Drawing upon his powers, Izuku would focus his energy on his palm and deliver a palm strike with explosive force. Upon impact, the strike would create a burst of fiery shockwaves that engulf the target, burning and disorienting them in the process.

Eternal Cyclone- Izuku would combine his acrobatic skills and shockwave abilities to create a whirlwind-like attack. By rapidly spinning and unleashing shockwaves in all directions, he would be capable of tearing through enemies and deflecting incoming attacks.

Abyssal impact- Izuku focuses his energy on a single point and delivers a devastating punch or kick. Upon impact, a massive shockwave radiates outward, creating a localized tremor that ripples through the ground, causing the surrounding area to crumble and shake.

Searing Tempest- Izuku unleashes a series of rapid, fiery shockwave strikes with his hands and feet. Each strike releases a burst of scorching shockwaves that not only delivers concussive force but also burns and singer anything caught in its path.

Soul Sundering Roar- Izuku channels his energy into travel through the air. This shockwave carries a disruptive force that can shatter and destabilize the spiritual energy of demons, rendering them weakened and vulnerable.

Midoriya Cross Chop- It involves a dynamic and coordinated movement in which Izuku delivers an X-shaped strike with both arms simultaneously.

Oni-Kenpo Smash- Represent the culmination of Izuku's training in the Onni-Kenpo fighting style. He creates a devastating shockwave by channeling all the energy he has within him and makes an all-out punch that annihilates anything in its path.

What is Aura Insight: Aura Insight is like Izuku's Danger Sense but it's a fusion of Akaza's "Fighting Spirit". With Aura Insight, Izuku possesses an enhanced sensitivity to the auras of both humans and demons. He can perceive and analyze the subtle fluctuations and qualities within these auras, gaining valuable insights into the emotions, intentions, and even power levels of those around him.

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