Good Demons, old friend

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Nezuko(Mind): *😨* N-No way!

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Nezuko(Mind): *😨* N-No way!

Ochako(Mind): So that's the Demon King. From what I heard from Izu, he was the one who was responsible for murdering both his mother and The Kamado family. But why is he here in the city?

Ochako notices that her teammates are holding their anger trying to keep their cool but when the three see that face, they are livid. Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Izuku were about to grab their blades when they suddenly heard a little girl's voice which stopped them.

Little girl: Daddy?

Mick-I mean Muzan turns to the side and reveals to Tanjiro that he was holding a little girl. The gang's eyes widened in shock as they couldn't believe what they were seeing in front of them.

Ochako(Mind): He's posing as a human!? But why...!? Wait, there's no time to think for right now, I need to get Izu and others away from here since this is too crowded.

Muzan: I'm sorry. Is there something I can do for you? Some of you seem to be a bit flustered.

With quick thinking, Ochako was the first to speak up in a calm and friendly voice.

Ochako: *😄* Gomen Nasai Sir. We're just passing by and we mistook you for someone.

???: Darling, what's the matter?

They then see a woman behind Mzuan who seems to be the little girl's mother walking up to him. Ochako can't help herself but startle in horror along with the three. She then noticed that Izuku's body was shaking, Ochako then remembered that Izuku had a history with the Demon King twice and the anger inside the cinnamon roll boy's body was fuming up with rage.

Ochako(Mind): Crap! Izu is about to lose his control if he attacks him! I need to think of something quick!

The aura around Izuku was growing more and more as he stared at Muzan's face.

Izuku(Mind): That bastard! He's pretending to be human acting like he has an average life while we suffer! How dare he live around here acting like nothing happened! I'm GONNA-

As Izuku was about to lose his composure, something soft was touching his hand. So he turns his head a little to see Ochako grabbing onto his hand softly as he feels the calm and cheery aura she's giving off.

Ochako: *😊* It's okay, Izu. Everything will be alright.

With a smile and the soft voice from Ochako, all of Izuku's rage was gone in an instant and was replaced with positive emotions. Izuku took a deep sigh and turned back to Muzan.

Izuku: Forgive us, we'll be on our way.

Mother: You sure? you seemed to be upset a while ago.

Tanjiro: Where fine, miss. 

Nezuko: We'll be heading on our way back now.

The gang turned and walked forward back to the udon cart, but not before glaring at Muzan one last time before disappearing into the crowd. Then suddenly from a distance, four figures were watching the whole scene, and one of them even recognized one of the slayers.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Hero(Izuocha)Where stories live. Discover now