94. Nether Flame (2)

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The Spirit Realm's dusk turned to night and then faded into day. However, the healers were still working on Leo and Erebus.

Because the Shadowbane and High Serpent members left Undanfold, their cultivation was no longer suppressed. They felt the overwhelming pressure of a breakthrough, so Fenrir set them up in a remote area to stabilize their energy. With the help of the Spirit Realm creatures, runes to assist and protect them were set up. 

A fog from the converging mana covered the area, but it was serene. No one dared to speak over a whisper. For many Shadowbane soldiers, this was the first sense of peace they had for a while. With their consecutive breakthroughs, they realized how beneficial serving under Erebus in Undanfold was. 

Because they could not send a message into Undanfold, Fenrir visited Leonis to tell him what was happening so he would not be worried. He didn't tell him the extent of Leo and Erebus' wounds but told him enough. Leonis and Halcyon wanted to visit the Spirit Realm to check on everyone but refrained, knowing they needed seclusion. 

It took nearly a week to heal Leo and Erebus. Once Leo had stabilized his wounds, he immediately focused on his cultivation; however, as promised, he didn't leave Erebus' side.

A fortnight passed, and Erebus finally opened his eyes. He first sought out Leo and smiled when he saw him sitting beside him and meditating. His wounds were healed, but he had scars on his shoulder from where A'Teh had stabbed him. His right ear also had a small nick from the battle, but it had healed. He was still inherently beautiful, and Erebus wanted to weep with relief to see him looking healthy. 

He watched him for a while until the sky had turned dark. Only then did he tear his gaze away from his elf and notice the vast open sky illuminated by the bright silver stars. 

"Hells... Who knew I would see a sight like this again?" He whispered in a raspy voice.

A figure appeared next to him, and he knew immediately it was Nyx. The Shadow Deity chuckled as he looked up at the sky as well. [Have you not looked up in this life before?]

Erebus stretched his waist, feeling it strain and pop. He let out a satisfied groan and laid down on his back. "I have been in Undanfold this entire time. The only time I was in the Spirit Realm was during the day, and it was short-lived."

Erebus paused for a moment while staring at the stars. "I don't sense Fenrir near."

[He's liaising between here and Undanfold. King Leonis and General Halcyon are concerned, so he has been going back and forth to give them updates.]

Erebus smiled. "He's going to give me a hard time, isn't he."

[Without a doubt.] Nyx chuckled. 

Erebus turned his head and saw the many cultivators meditating in the distance. "How are my soldiers?"

Nyx sighed. [You lost two: Nick Dresson and Lural Trepid.]

Erebus closed his eyes to obscure his pained expression. "I will carve their names in my heart."

[Aye. Their sacrifice will be remembered... other than the two, Your soldiers counted seven severe injuries, sixteen heavy injuries, and thirty-two mild injuries. Everyone else sustained cuts and bruises. However, they are all recovering well.]

"I should have done better," he said softly.

[You can't save everyone, especially in a war. You, of all people, should know this. The fact that you only had lost two soldiers is a remarkable feat.]

"I lost two lives... there is no victory in that."

[You will always remain the same, my friend. You call yourself a monster but mourn the loss of your people. Each person is precious to you.]

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