50. Night Before the Tournament

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The day before the tournament, Shadowbane called a sect meeting. Everyone who was in Undanfold gathered in a large conference hall in headquarters.

Erebus stood with Leonis, the generals, and Leo before the sect.  A large map of Undanfold was behind them, with several areas marked based on Erebus' reports.  The room was rumbling with the small talk from the sect members, excited to get started.

Leonis coughed a little, quieting the room immediately.

"What the other sects call 'The Devil Tournament' begins tomorrow.  Despite our warnings, they still treat the Undanfold situation as a joke.  Unfortunately, now it is our responsibility to limit the amount of meaningless deaths."

He turned towards Erebus.  "Lieutenant General," he called Erebus forward.

Erebus bowed and stepped to the front. "As our King mentioned, those idiots didn't heed our warning and jumped into a war they were not prepared for.  We have only seen a fraction of the Devil's strength.  When their Devil King Aboros reigned, he touched the Immortal Realm while his subordinates were in the Emperor or Divine Realm.  Although it's rare, we know they can cultivate to unfathomable levels.  I do not believe they have anyone above the Emperor Realm with them now, but I recommend we proceed as if they do."

He saw several people shudder from the thought of going up against an Emperor expert.

"We defeated one army mainly consisting of 4-5 Level Realm Devils with generals in the King Realm.  The Devils have developed many branches in their military, including hunters and scouts. I believe we encountered a scouting army whose mission is to gather information on our strength. This means we will face an army prepared against our forces—better strategies and stronger cultivators. So while we are fighting, you must do your utmost to cultivate."

The sect members murmured a little once they heard this.  They knew that they would be facing a challenge.

"However, you will not be facing the Devils alone.  Each captain will take a squad of 20-25 soldiers and work together. The Devils travel in packs, so we should as well. Although we want to obtain as many cores as possible, your true mission is survival.  If you forget this and die a meaningless death, I will drag your sorry soul out of the Aether and kick your ass."

The sect members laughed and called out their commitments.

He pointed towards the map.  "As you can see, the Devils are retreating to the South, which will be our main road.  There will be camps along the way that we will wipe out.  We suspect a Devil nest in the Southwest but cannot determine its exact location at this time."

He pointed to the mountains where he faced Aboros.  "This area is considered their forbidden ground.  Expect it to be heavily guarded and avoid it at all costs.  This is a place we dare not tread. I have provided maps to each captain, and we have plotted out each course we plan on taking. You will follow their orders and work together.  At the same time, if you see anyone from the other sects, you will help them if necessary... however, it is permissible to make them suffer a little."

The room laughed and heartily heeded his orders.

"I will be working reconnaissance and scouting ahead of the groups.  The Bane Organization agreed to assist us and will set up information posts throughout Undanfold.  Your captain's maps will mark these locations.  It is imperative we keep in communication.  Your captains have a talisman to let me know if you are in trouble and need assistance.  Also, they will have two flares.  Red is requesting immediate assistance from nearby groups. And black to call all troops to their location and prepare for war."

They knew that Erebus was stressing their safety and working together, but the two flares seemed to cement the dangers they were about to face.  It was either they needed assistance or they were facing war.  But his statement also hinted at the risks Erebus would face alone.  He most likely gave the captains talismans because he would be in areas where the flares would not be visible.

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