76. Throne Room (3)

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Erebus felt his aura fluctuate, the Phonoi Heart poison embedded deeply into it, making the others feel a heavy dread. Erebus took a few deep breaths to calm his energy and retracted most of his killing intent. When he felt some sense of clarity, he spoke again.

"My King, we should vehemently stand against Golden Mountain. But if Shadowbane chooses to ignore my plea, then I will leave. I do not wish to be in a sect that prostrates to the descendants of Fire Dragon." Erebus pleaded.

One of the Dukes scoffed. "An ancient grudge that has become irrelevant and one grieving father? This is insufficient to insist on death over obeying your King's commands. Put away your arrogance and your pettiness!"

Erebus punched the ground again in anger; the crack split further, reaching the chairs of the Dukes and making them jump backward. The chamber was instantly in shambles with toppled chairs and deep fissures in the floor expanding from where Erebus was still kneeling.

Why did he feel like he was Eri, kneeling in front of his father when he was seven, insisting he could change? Eri was begging to be accepted into the family, but now Erebus was begging to stay away. At that moment, he cursed himself. The Themis family and Golden Mountain had made him kneel and beg once again.

"You insidious bastard!" He snarled at the Duke.

The little control of his emotions was lost and spiraled out of control. The Themis family humiliated and broke him, and when they decided that was not enough, they took away his mother.

His soul stirred and called upon his horrid hopelessness when he looked at her one last time.

Selene was an elegant woman with long black hair complementing her stunning eyes. Her eyes were a soft grey that sparkled in the light, reminding Erebus of the beautiful charcoal grey orchids. They filled him with a gentle warmth. She would have a calm smile on her lips every time she saw him and would say sweet words to encourage him.

But his last memory of her was harrowing. She had thinned considerably, and her body was just skin tightly wrapped around jutting bones. Her legs had lost all strength and no longer supported her.

Her hair had turned dusty and fell everywhere in a disheveled mess. Her face was pale and hollow, and her kind smile was removed and replaced with a horror-stricken grimace.

Her warm eyes had dulled over time, and the grey had become lackluster. Erebus still would call them kind, except for this moment. All he saw was terror. The whites of her eyes turned red with broken blood vessels and widened into a crazed stare. Tears streaked her face, and her screeches ripped through the mansion.

He was behind dragged away from the house and sent to the boarding school. Yet she tried to drag herself across the floor with bloodied hands, trying to bring him back into her embrace.

He had to watch Tomas and Terran pick his mother up and remove her from his sight. He could still hear her screaming. You will not take my son from me!

Three years later, he was kneeling in front of the Themis manor, begging to be let in and pay respects to his mother. She died without ever seeing him again. No... they killed her before they could reunite. And then they refused to let him say goodbye.

He was still recoiling from the memories as the Dukes continued their rant, trying to encourage allying with Golden Mountain. He could make out some nonsense they were spouting about letting go of petty grudges.

He suddenly found himself speaking. "I will never relent. I will only be sated when I kill every single Themis."

Duke Blake roared with annoyance. "What deep grievance can you possibly have that you must hold to this grudge so desperately?!"

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