66. Hive Battle

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Erebus followed Leo through the complicated maze until they reached the entry of the hive. Devil corpses littered the ground from the traps set by Shadowbane. Many had perished, and only a few dozen remained. Unfortunately, most of the Devils alive were in the King Realm, including the one with the implanted mana core. 

Erebus watched the intense battle in front of him. Shadowbane was fighting with all of their heart, but their bodies were straining under their wounds and exhaustion. The strategy was well planned, but one can only handle so much. 

They had to split their forces to take on the King Realm Devils, but they were getting battered. Several were in a dire situation but were saved by their comrades, who pulled them out of the way. However, the remaining Devils were frighteningly powerful.

Leo grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from charging into the fray. "Are you well enough to do this?"

Erebus gave him a tired smile. "My mana is depleted, my head feels like it's going to split, and my body is about to collapse."

Leo sighed. "Didn't we just talk about this?"

"I know. But I'll face one Devil and avoid a head-on fight."

Leo gave him a skeptical look.

"Let me have this last battle. I promise you I will rest afterward... I am still furious. So I would rather spend the rest of my energy killing Devils to appease this anger."

Leo's jaw clenched but relented. "Then let them feel your wrath. But Erebus, call out to me if you need help. Remember, you can rely on me."

Leo had told him that he could protect himself, and he believed him. It was easy to trust in Leo's strength. However, his trauma kept scratching inside of his mind, reminding him how painful it would be once Leo betrayed him. He was constantly reminded of Kore's words, that he should close off his heart, thrust his blade, and relish in the blood of others. 

But he was conflicted because if he followed Kore's advice, he would live a lonely and bloody life once again. For thousands of years, he had lived as if breathless, unable to pull air into his lungs. But with Leo, it was like he could inhale for the first time. The walls around his heart crumbled a little, and somehow, he didn't feel the need to rebuild them.

As terrifying as it was, he wanted to rely on Leo. 

Erebus smiled a little. "I will. Now let's go."

He and Leo disappeared into the shadows. Erebus approached the Devil with the implanted mana core, who had just pushed back Comet and the others. The Shadowbane members fell heavily to the ground, and a couple were knocked unconscious.

Erebus materialized near the Devil but donned his hood and mask on. His shadows covered his body, and he had materialized the horn back on his head.

The Devil saw him and flinched a little. "Assassin." His voice showed exhaustion, and the Devil language was harder to speak than ever. He was relieved that the Devil was too distracted to be able to smell that he was Human.

"You look like you're having a hard time," Erebus said with a chuckle.

Comet pulled the fainted Shadowbane members away and cautiously watched the new figure. However, he eased up a little when he heard Erebus chuckle. He remembered when Erebus disguised himself as a Devil at the camp and recalled his eerie laugh.

The Devil glared at Erebus. "Why are you back?"

Erebus pulled out a cigarette and started to smoke it, oblivious to the fighting around him. "I told you that I smelled something delicious here."

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