59. Corpse Lotus

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Erebus hesitated with his daggers in hand. He could give these women a simple death, like the Blood Ash Death, where he and Leo would not have to stain their hands. He could think of hundreds of runes and formations to spare them. But these victims deserved more. They deserved a warrior's death, one by the blade. To do this, he needed to use his own hands.

He bowed low to them. "Forgive me."

He walked to the first one and took a deep breath. Much like he did thousands of years ago, he swiped his blade across her throat. He caught her falling body and watched the life leave her. When she was about to enter the Aether, her eyes glistened, and she smiled warmly towards Erebus.

He heard rustling to his side and watched Leo do the same to one of the victims. He was gently cradling her and helped lower her to the ground. His eyes had reddened with emotion.

In silent tandem, they took the lives of each person, and they all gifted them a smile before they died. Each smile was harder than the last. 

When Erebus reached the last one, he faltered. She was a child, a young teenager. She reminded him of the small Eri who wept in his arms before he gave up his life.

"Why?" He whispered. "Why must these children suffer like this?"

He knelt before the small child and brushed his hand across her face. Young... she was so young. Another soul that was too kind for this violent world. He hesitated; his blade held so tightly in his hand that it shook.

"I promised a child that I would make the world kinder. I will promise you the same thing. I will create a world where someone like you will not suffer." His words were heavy as he tried to hold back his tears.

He brought up his blade and cut the child's throat. He held on to her, letting the blood fall on his arms. She blinked a little, clarity coming to her right before her death, and she looked at Erebus. Her hand weakly raised and wiped the tear that fell from his eyes. Her mouth moved, and she gave him a silent "Thank you."

The first woman he killed many years ago thanked him. And now the last one he killed said the same thing. However, it did not make him feel better.

He and Leo carried each body to the other side of the canyon, facing the dead Devil priests. He placed their hands on their chests and then laid a Corpse Lotus on top.

He bowed in front of them and spoke in the Spirit Realm language.

"We are born with the Aether, and we die with the Aether, never alone in our journey. Where you fall shall be where the lotus blooms."

He sliced his hand with his dagger, and thirty drops of blood flew out and landed on the lotuses. They all light up and bloomed brightly.

Each woman's corpse was lifted into a standing position, their hands outstretched like giving an offering. The red lotus rested on each hand, turning into a bright gemstone. The stone seemed to bleed into the hands, then the arms of the women, and then extend towards their bodies. Erebus watched as each woman turned into a statue carved from red stone.

The blessings of the Corpse Lotus would restore each body to its perfect state as it turned to stone, forever being remembered as it once was.

Their scars disappeared, and their hair grew again. Their eyes were closed, but each had a slight smile hanging on their lips.

Erebus knelt before them for a long while, praying vehemently for their forgiveness. He was woken from his prayers when a hand rested on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Leo next to him with a mournful look on his face.

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