32. The Facility

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Erebus and Skadi moved skillfully, evading any projectiles that the Devil threw at them. He would laugh or taunt them to make sure that they follow.

When they started climbing the mountains, he jumped off Skadi's back and hid between the rocks, blending in with the shadows. When the Devils would pass, he would cut down a few of them and disappear again. He chuckled, listening to their curses when he jumped on Skadi again. 

"Devils are very creative with their insults. I have learned a thing or two," he said to himself. 

Skadi snorted. Anyone would have laughed if they knew Erebus when he was much younger. He had a very sharp tongue that spared no one. He did not need any additional lessons.

Erebus looked back and was satisfied with the distance. He drew a few runes and activated them. A large shadow rose from the ground and melded into a doppelganger of him and Skadi. He directed it to continue running up the mountain to distract the Devils as he moved through the shadows.

Erebus calculated the time and determined that close to an hour had passed, but they could return to the facility within a few minutes with Skadi's speed. This gave them at least an hour before the Devils returned.

He moved like a blur until he saw the castle come into view. There were a few scattered Devil bodies from the clash with the soldiers and the wolves. He was relieved that it must have been an easy battle for them, and they entered the Facility.

He rode through the front gate on top of Skadi and paused to see a large crowd of Spirit Realm creatures. They were gathered closely together away from the Shadowbane people who remained behind to help them. The soldiers had looks of distress on their faces but did not try to approach them aggressively. They helped whomever they could, including the small numbers of imprisoned humans and elves.

The Spirit Realm creatures were in bad shape. Fae, tengu, elemental sprites, griffins... so many were here. Some were covered in cuts and bruises, but others had more severe wounds and were unconscious.

Erebus watched as a few wearily stopped to talk to Ove.

Erebus jumped off Skadi and approached Ove, making the Spirit Realm creatures back away. Erebus gritted his teeth when he saw their state. Their condition looked worse now that he could observe their wounds up close. Ove turned to him with a pained gaze.

His voice was strained. "Human Erebus, you have made it back."

Erebus nodded. "I bought us at least another hour." He didn't say much because he could see the agonized look on Ove's face. His pompous attitude was gone entirely, and his tail hung low. Erebus could understand his grief.

One way that the Amarok Wolves released their emotions was through howling. It was almost instinctual, but Ove kept it deep inside to avoid alerting the Devils. 

Erebus drew a few runes and placed a barrier around him and Ove. "It's a sound barrier. No one can hear you but me."

Over flinched but looked around at the barrier. He looked deeply at Erebus before he threw his head back and let out a heart-wrenching howl. Erebus stood still, his gaze downward. He understood the distress Ove was feeling. 

He was a young pup, eager to protect his people. However, at this moment, he witnessed the harsh cruelty of the realms at the expense of his people. Being a guardian was an honor, but when something terrible happened to the ones you were supposed to guard, the pain was unbearable.

Ove's howl dissipated, and he lowered his head again. Erebus smiled kindly at the young wolf and stepped forward. He rested his forehead against the young pup's. Ove wanted to pull away at first but resisted the instinct. This was a sign of kinship. It could mean many things, such as a heartwarming greeting or a desire to comfort a friend.

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