Part 31: The Marmoran Blade

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{Angst, Manhandling, PTSD panic attack}

Lance snored lightly next to Keith who cleaned his blade, much like every day he did so. Lance cuddled into his side and Keith let him be, after yesterday's fiasco, he scolded Shiro and the others well enough for a good couple hours and he was personally glad that he wasn't on the other side of the scolding. 

He looked at the symbol near the handle, Ulaz held the same one on his... "Guys, head to the bridge, we're heading for the Blade of Marmora" Shiro's voice came through and Lance didn't budge, a good progress in him not bolting up at the slightest sounds. Keith re-wrapped his blade and got dressed, they really needed some new clothes. He shook Lance awake, he flinched a bit but calmed down instantly when he smelled Keith's scent, "Come on, we need to get to the bridge" he yawned and nodded, getting up and getting dressed in his armor with Keith and they walked out. Entering the bridge the kids hugged Lance's legs with a good morning and they stood by him as Shiro explained the plan, weirdly, Keith was agitated a bit when the others got off topic. A communication feed came, "Open a hailing frequency, Coran" Shiro looked to Coran as he did so, "We are the Paladin's of Voltron, we were sent by Ulaz" Shiro said, nothing changed for a few moments before the message changed. "Two may enter. Come unarmed." Lance didn't like that; he always kept his knife on his person at all times now like Keith. 

"I don't trust this" he said, "I'm agreeing with Lance, they could be hostile for all we know" Marco agreed. "We have to" Keith urged, "Look calm down but Keith I do not trust this, what if whoever goes there needs help? We won't be able to help because of the black holes and blue star" he gestured to make his point, "While you do hold a good amount of points, it's the best chance to see if we have an ally in our fight against Zarkon" Shiro said, "Ally or not, I don't care. I don't want anyone hurt or killed when they don't have back-up, they no doubt have weapons of their own and they're telling us to come unarmed? Do you not see the downside to this?" Lance pointed out stubbornly and worriedly, he didn't like this. Not only will whoever goes to that base not have back-up, they won't be able to know if they need help. 

|| ------ ||

"Was this a good idea?" Shiro asked with Lance and Keith in the Red lions cockpit. Lance did not want them going alone without back up, so he came along with, and Keith let him because he does not want his mate alone anywhere in this Universe until both Zarkon and Yjok are dead. "A back up plan is better than no back up plan" Lance huffed stubbornly, Shiro sweatdropped. They were given a path to follow so they don't get pulled in by one of the black holes, so they were following that, "Plus I'm not really leaving him alone while Yjok's still free out there" Lance flinched at the name but decided to let Red's calming purr run his head and comfort him, she warmed his body comfortingly and he sat next to Keith's chair, tuning out the outside sounds as the brothers started to talk. 

|| ------- || 

"Only two were told to come" One of the blades said, same outfit as Ulaz had. "I am not leaving him alone anywhere; he's staying with us" Keith grabbed Lance's hand firmly. The two blades looked each other, "Fine, get on" Lance looked at them warily, he couldn't read their auras. They were too stoic, so no color showed. The Paladins stood in front of the blades as they descended down, when they reached the bottom, they were greeted by other blades including one who may be the leader. Keith kept Lance near him as they walked closer to the leader before stopping at the stairs. "I am Kolivan, leader of the Blade of Marmora." the leader, Kolivan, introduced. "My name is Shiro, this is Keith and Lance. We are Paladins of Voltron" Shiro said, "I know who you are" Kolivan said, "Then you know that we were sent by one of your own" Shiro concluded, "Ulaz was a fool to divulge this location to you" Kolivan retorted, "He had a penchant for ignoring orders and following his impulses" Lance bit back a retort, biting his tongue to keep his words to himself. "That's what got him killed," Keith gripped Lance's hand after feeling Lance's anger spike, Lance again bit his tongue as he glared at Kolivan. 

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