Part 9: Old Familiarly

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He felt his breathing falter a tad bit, the lion, the mechanical blue lion, spoke to him, all in his head but he heard it all. The lion knew him. Greeted him as an old friend he couldn't remember. The lion could feel his worry, his absent memories of their moments together as happy as she felt to see him again, she wanted revenge against the one who did this to him. He could feel it, her vengeance but for what, did something happen that he wasn't aware of? There had to be. 

She nudged him in his head to come to her, she would protect him, protect him from what exactly? His past, his status, his family? She didn't specify nor did she give an explanation but again she nudged him towards her, she wouldn't lose him again. Never again. Lance got up and fixed his bag on his shoulder before jogging a bit with the others warily following after at a slower walking pace, when he got to the barrier between him and the lion, she told him to touch the barrier, and he did. The barrier blinked away in a flash of blue and his hand flinched away only for an image to appear in his head, but not just his, but everyone who was present. Five lions, five different colored lions with the blue one in front of them as one of them before it faded away. Blue of course, could feel the absence of his memories that she couldn't access to figure out who made him forget her, but it wasn't just her he forgot, he forgot everyone he knew before his absence made her and her pride mates antsy and uncooperative, the previous Paladins couldn't find their pride mate, so they refused to cooperate unless it helped their search and protected the others of the innocent. Alas, none of it helped them once the war began, their pride mate was missing and now their home was possibly gone, they had nowhere else to go and they were still missing their pride mate. But Blue found him, he looked different, yes, but he was still him, their missing pride mate. She finally found their missing pride mate!

But the absence of their bond did infuriate and further her goal for revenge against who did this to him, however pushing that aside from the present that she was currently in, she lowered her head to Lance and opened her mouth to let him in. If he was with these four, then they must be trustworthy, so she allowed them into her hanger. Lance was the first to enter then everyone else followed after him not wanting him to be left alone with a mechanical blue lion they know barely and hardly anything about. Lance looked around the inside of the lion in curiosity and the doors to the cockpit opened allowing him and the company inside, he sat in the pilot seat like a curious small animal looking at something new for the first time and Blue pulled it to the front where the dashboard was, he squealed in surprise that reminded Blue of when he was little, before the time he was lost to their pride mates. 

"Lance?" Hunk popped his head into the cockpit, "I'm fine! Just the seat moved up on its own..." he felt very nervous on that thinking the lion was haunted but the sound Blue gave him made him think she was... laughing at him? Now that's unfair, he didn't know anything about a self-moving seat! He just pouted and looked at the now lit up blue colored screens and lights, every word and number he read is something he could understand, it felt familiar to him. More familiar than Human letters and numbers ever did. It was weird but interesting, at least to him but he didn't voice how he could read what would be considered alien language, he was in no way special. To him, he wasn't special, no one or anything, he was a burden, and he was cursed. Now that would just be his insecurities talking but that's just how he feels about himself and regretfully he knows that's not true he just has bad doubts and insecurities. And as well as other problems that Veronica had to get him medication for, even if they had problems finding out his medical history- which Veronica, the doctors and himself found weird since he should have one but apparently doesn't- so he decided not to worry about it anymore. 

Once everyone piled into the small space of the cockpit, Lance struggled to figure out what he was supposed to do, he's never been in a mechanical giant robot before; the lion disagrees for some reason, and just because he can read the weird language on the blue screens does not mean it gives him instructions! 

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