Part 13: Run

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Lance cuddled closer to what was making him so warm and comfy, honestly when has ever felt this comfortable with heat? Red and the lions purred in his head cuddling him in a warm embrace that he was starting to get used to. He shifted in the blanket he was underneath and relaxed again against something, wait... opening his eyes that were blurred from sleep he noticed the faint outlines of the blue turquoise colors in the room. "You awake now sleepyhead?" he tilted his head up and saw Keith looking at him, he blinked but sighed in relief when Keith was still there, still alive. Hang on, Lance reached from under the blanket and tapped his leg getting eyebrow raise from Keith, "Sorry just... just had to be sure" with that cleared Lance cuddled back under the blanket, silence filtered around them, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. 

"We'll have to get up soon" Lance grumbled and covered his head in the blanket again, "Don't wanna, I wanna stay in the warm blanket listening to lions in my head" he mumbled, "Lions? Don't you mean Blue?" he poked his eyes out of the blanket "Yeah, you wouldn't believe me if I told you what I meant by Lions and not Lion" Keith turned and faced him, "Try me" sighing, "I can hear the lions in my head, it's not just Blue it's all of them. Green, Red, Black, Yellow, I can hear them all but it's all so weird and not really unwelcoming" "What do you mean since when?" he wasn't aware of just one paladin being able to hear all of the lions, "I think since we found Blue but that's the weird part, when we found her on Earth, she greeted me like some old friend" okay, that's weird. 

"I'm cursed with cat ears, and I'm cursed with talking lions can't I catch a break!" he whined. 

"You aren't cursed, though I wasn't aware of one Paladin hearing five lions" he voiced, "I know, I didn't know either until I started hearing all five lions!" he covered his head again grumbling about being cursed. 

But even as Lance hid away in Keith's blanket again, it left Keith to his thoughts. 

A knock came at the door Lance jerked up onto his bottom surprising Keith at how quick he jerked up, Lance quickly apologized, and Keith called whoever it was to come inside. Shiro walked in and saw Lance was now up, "Your awake" Lance meekly nodded "Hi Shiro" nodding Keith crossed his arms and looked at him "What?" he knew Shiro didn't come back to his room just to see if Lance was awake though they did agree to keep quiet for Lance's sanity. He straightened up from his semi relaxed position, "Allura asked me to come get you two for a recon mission for us to gather info" he explained but Lance looked uneasy, a recon mission? But why did it make him afraid? "Right now?" He asked and Shiro nodded, Lance flopped on his back and rolled himself in Keith's blanket to hide away, "I don't wanna let me go back to sleep" Shiro chuckled, and Keith rolled his eyes with a small smile, Shiro sent a gleaming look at Keith who wiped his smile off his face and glared at his brother mouthing at him to say nothing. 

"Lance, we have to come on" he whined and stayed hidden, "Nu, I'm staying here" he refused to move, he didn't like the feeling he was getting about the mission, and he practically wanted to stay in Keith's blankets and inhaling his scent, he was starting to wish he could do this with no troubles, but he didn't have that ability. "I will carry you if you don't get up and I will carry you all the way to the bridge" Lance froze and turned to look at Keith, "You wouldn't dare" Keith raised a challenging eyebrow with a smirk, Lance grumbled in defeat and got up from his comfy spot in the blanket. "Fine, let's go but when we get back, I'm going back to sleep" he pouted having to get up and leave Keith's room but begrudgingly did so to avoid being carried by his crush to the bridge where everyone would see, Shiro and Keith watched him leave and Shiro looked at Keith, "Were you really going to carry him to the bridge?" he asked, "Yeah I was" Shiro only shook his head amused and the two left with Keith snagging his knife and placing it behind him into his belt. 

After getting suited in their paladin armor with Lance soon joining them in his armor, Allura explained that the recon mission was for info only and that if they run into trouble then defend themselves and get out as quick as possible, Lance did voice something didn't feel right but it ultimately was stated as just war feelings. But it didn't feel like war feelings, if felt like he was going to find something that would terrify him. Keith gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder earning a small flinch but followed after the Alpha until they separated to, they're lions but Lance could still hear Red and wondering if he could talk to her a bit about Keith. 

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