Part 15: Gremlin finds out

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Lance cuddled in his blankets and pillows in Keith's bed, he had been staying the Alphas room for a few days now since after coming into contact with Yjok and getting choked and he's noticed Keith is highly protective of him. Maybe that's a good thing but it's also terrifying him because he was not just afraid for Keith anymore but also Shiro because he knew now too. But... they both accepted him as Half Galra but his question was why, why accept him when he had the enemy's blood in his veins? Everything was so confusing, why haven't Keith and Shiro even thrown him off the ship by now? 

Keith was in the training room, so it was just him in his room, his hand grabbed Keith's blanket and pulled it under his hugging it, why was he addicted to Keith's scent? It smelled, well, amazing honestly but his question was why was becoming addicted to it. Nothing made sense. His connection to the Voltron lions didn't make sense, his slowly becoming addiction to Keith's scent didn't make sense, his life didn't make sense! Grumbling he just hugged Keith's blanket and stayed under the blankets. He didn't want to move and just stay here, was he going to be staying in Keith's room more often? Probably if Keith had anything to say about it. 

Keith came back after two hours and Lance had fallen back asleep, He walked over and shook his shoulder a bit and Lance's eyes shot open, and he sat up a bit frantic before calming down immediately upon seeing him, "We really need to work on that" he told him "I can't help it and now it's a lot worse now that I know my father is really Galra" he defended, "I will murder him when I have the chance" Lance bit his lip with a sigh, "As long as your careful and don't end up being killed then you can but I still urge you to not give away that you know, I'm now afraid and just keep looking over my shoulder like he's right there" he hated the icky feeling he keeps having creeping on him, "It's not another killer AI feeling is it?" Keith groaned and let his head fall against the wall in bitter memory at almost being killed by the training bots, Lance shuddered since he did not remember much at being decompressed but he did remember Keith's worried expression when he came to. "No, it's just a feeling I was used to when my father was around me" he admitted, "He's not in the castle is he?" Lance shrugged unsure, "I don't know but any missions we go on now I get the feeling I'm being watched, like extremely closely" frowning they let the silence fill in on them. 

The castles alarms blared making Lance's hands shoot up to his ears to try and lower the loudness, they both shot up out of bed and went separate ways to their armors before racing to their lions and Lance still had his hands on his ears since the alarms were loud and hurting his hearing. Blue lowered her mouth and helped dimmed the loud sounds helping him take his hands off his ears and get into the pilot seat and she took off into battle. "Lance look out!" He gasped and took a hit, Blue growled at the enemy and Lance shook off the adrenaline, how dare the Galra hurt her pride mate, her friends. How are they! 

"Blue, I'm okay, calm down" she huffed but calmed a bit and fired a laser beam from her mouth and Lance got out the mouth blade and sliced through the cruiser, "Pidge watch your six! Keith, Hunk on your left, Shiro 89 degrees up!" "Roger!" they worked their way to getting rid of the Galra forces that kept coming in, "Lance 35 degrees down and 2 degrees to the right!" He turned Blue's controls and shot in that direction and destroyed three fighters that were about to fire on Blue, Green and Pidge fired at the enemy surrounding them and Lance gasped, she was becoming overwhelmed, "Guys, I need to some back up!" he thrusted his controls forward "I'm coming hang on!" he needed to get to Pidge, he needed to protect her. She was just a child, still too young to be in this war, he needed to protect her with his life!

He fired and destroyed the cruiser and fighters surrounding her, "Are you alright?!" he was worried, "I'm fine, thanks Lance-- Look out!" a different cruiser fired on Blue, Lance yelled out in pain and was thrusted forward and hit the dashboard hard with his head. "Lance! Lance answer me, what happened, Lance!" Pidge was panicking, she heard a yelp and a crash and now Lance was unresponsive. "Lance! Please answer me" she yelled but still no answer, "Pidge, that Galra cruiser has its tracker beam on the Blue lion, stop them before they take Lance! We can't do much on our end because we're surrounded" Shiro's usually calm voice was strained and tense but above all he was worried. "Come on Green let's get back our friend!" Green growled in agreement, and they flew towards where Lance and Blue were, Green wasn't about to lose her Pride mates again. 

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