Part 12: The Two Protectors

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Keith stayed up most of the night to think, he decided for Lance stay with him to prove that he would still be here when he woke up so the boy in question was fast asleep next to him. Honestly, he thought that Lance was just a shy kind of boy but everything Shiro said when he said something was wrong with Lance, he didn't know just about how wrong something was. Lance was broken to the point fear kept him functioning to the point that it was painful to look at. 

He sat up and leaned his back against the wall, Lance jerked a bit, but Keith placed a gentle hand on him, and he went back to sleep, seems like he had sleeping problems. Sighing he brought up his knees and placed his elbows on them and pressed the holding hands together and to his head. Things certainly got more complicated than them being thrown into a war. Stealing a glance at the sleeping form of Lance, he always tried to imagine how Lance looked when he was asleep, however after learning about the harsh past of the male next to him, he didn't have it easy. His past was worse than Keith's, instead of moving from one foster family to another, Lance was being abused on a daily basis and not only that he had a blow torch take to his arm, just the thought of that made Keith sick to his stomach and he didn't usually feel sick at all. 

Lance shifted and ended up leaning close to where Keith's hip was and relaxed once again, why did Lance have to experience what was happening to him? Why God got pissed off with him and made him suffer. Another sigh left his lips and the silence left Keith to his thoughts; Lance slept quietly next to him without even a single snore making itself known. With the silence he could hear footsteps out in the hallway of the castle and then a few moments later, his doors opened and there Shiro stood. "Hey, Keith, have you seen Lance? He wasn't in his room" he asked his brother who looked at him before looking down at his hip, "He's right here asleep" Shiro raised an eyebrow and walked over and leaned over a bit to see Lance leaned against Keith's hip fast asleep. "Why's he sleeping in here?" he looked back at Keith, and he didn't say anything at first but clapped his hands together and pressed them to his forehead and looked to Shiro. "Do you remember when you asked me to keep an eye on Lance?" he questioned and Shiro nodded, "Yeah why?" he moved his hands and pressed his lips together in a frown with his fists tightly clenched together. "You were right about something being wrong but honestly, it's a lot more complicated than we thought" he told him and Shiro was confused. 

"What do you mean?" sparing a glance at Lance, "Shiro, he's not what we originally thought, we both thought he was just a shy and timid kind of boy. Right?" he nodded, and Keith continued, "He's not, at least how he should be, Shiro my heart broke last night when he told me. He literally called himself a murderer for something he had no control of" surprised, Shiro gestured for Keith to elaborate. "Did he ever mention a sister when you talked to him?" he asked, "Once or twice, why?" looking back at Lance "He called himself a murderer because she died" his eyes widen and he whipped his head to look at Lance, "What?!" Keith quickly shushed him, and Lance stirred with the two brothers freezing still and he went back to sleep. 

Breathing a sigh of relief, the two relaxed, "I'm saying, he thought he murdered his sister because he told her what was happening to him. Shiro, he's being abused and no one who wasn't his family knew about it" everything in Shiro seemed to break, there was no way, he was so discreet about it, but it all added up. The flinching, the times he never yelled at anyone and was extremely wary of Alphas, even the times he was eating it was always a small portion that the portion was drastically not enough. "Keith are you positive?" he nodded gripping his fist in a ball, "He may have the same kind of PTSD you do" Shiro shook his head, "No, his would be worse than mine. I was only tortured for a year he on the other hand was tortured for God knows how long, there's a giant difference between him and I" he explained calmly but he had anger coursing through him and no doubt through Keith as well. 

"Keith," the teen looked at him "Who did that to him, I want to know" he needed to possibly burn someone alive or just beat the living shit out of them for whoever it is. "His father and don't go looking for the guy, Lance is already terrified of either of us going after him and figuring out that Lance disobeyed his stay quiet order. He's already killed Lance's sister, and he's terrified of the same thing happening to us even the Alteans he's worrying for" he told him, "I had a hunch it was his father, when Lance was about 14ish, I volunteered to give him a ride back home every day until he was 15 and everytime I didn't like how his father glared at him. I didn't think he was that much of a bastard until now" Keith nodded a bit, "Why did he have to go home every day for two years?" he asked even though he was confused since he always thought Lance was back in his dorm. "I don't know actually, family emergency or something he said but never elaborated on what emergency it was" that made Keith frown and become even more confused. "Do you know what the guy looks like?" he asked for details on Lance's father, "I can't remember, but I do remember him being extremely commanding and he held his head like any Alpha with a stick up their ego acts like. But whenever we get to Earth again, I'll make sure the guy goes to prison" deciding it best to leave out that the bastard may be highly likely Galra as well as Lance, Keith agreed, and the room fell back into silence but there was one thing for sure that the two Alphas were sure of. 

They're new goal was to Protect Lance and keep him safe.


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