Part 10: The close call

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If Lance said when Veronica asked him a question that he wouldn't believe a single thing she said he would be completely lying, just like how Voltron sounded familiar but here's the thing, he's Human and is now being added to the war that's been going on for 10,000 years- way too long and he still feels bad for the Alteans- as a defender with Blue and Black and three others. He's still trying to get used to hearing lions talking in his head, he decided to hide in the hood of his jacket. He was more cursed right? He had to be, because no one else can hear not just one but two lions in his head who seem to be old friends of his that- quite literally as far as possible- doesn't make sense because he doesn't remember making friends with lions. If he hears anymore, he'll admit he's lost his mind, a quick soft smack with Blue's tail at his mental self made him make a small quiet squeak. Oh god he's losing his mind! 

Blue and Black disagreed, so he after peeking at the others he slipped out of the bridge and walked down the halls of the castle, his hand subconsciously glided across the wall as he walked with his hood still up on his brown-white hair semi hiding him away, and the only sounds were his light breathing and quiet footsteps. He had gotten to be a natural at being extremely light on his feet, it helped him hide and see his sisters and niece and nephew when he had the urge to. This castle was weird but all the same made him want to stay, he seemed to know the layout a bit, but he just got here like- yesterday maybe. Could be yesterday or so because he does remember sleeping somewhere in a bedroom. 

He sighed and grumbled this was some kind of adventure, not like any trip to the beach or stargazing on top of one of the highest buildings he could find just to escape his life. Well actually scratch that, this was not an adventure- maybe- it was a new survival that he had to do, why couldn't freedom and a safe life ever greet him like he wished it would? Fuck his life. Both of the lions scolded him for saying that and mental him just shrinked more in on himself, yep still getting used to having lions in his head. 

Grumbling in low tones it took a few moments to notice something was wrong with him, but once he caught the scent and stopped dead, panic surged through him immediately. "Crap" turning around in the hall he ran down the way he came heading straight for his room, they wouldn't have the Galra cruiser coming to Arus anytime soon so he should have enough time to get through his heat with no problems. But there was a problem, there were two Alphas and four Betas on this ship. Oh, he was so, so, so, so dead if he got caught. He didn't know how Alteans handled or took care of Omegas, but Earth didn't give two flying fucks about an Omega. They only cared about status, and he was nowhere on the top level of being protected. Now he didn't feel the lions fury because they were discreet about it but still, they were a bit overprotective, and he had hoped that he wasn't going to be babied. He didn't like being babied, Veronica had done it one too many times when she got the chance and, in the end, it made him all the more fearful until his fears ended up coming true a few years ago. He wouldn't cry until he was alone in his new room, he wouldn't cry that his sister was no longer with him. Sharply racing around the corner, he slid to a stop and quickly hoped his room doors and shut them behind him sliding against the door as the heat caught up to him. 

Why now, why did his heat have to start now?! Being in a war was never the right time to be in heat and he's not trusting a single Alpha in this ship especially during his heat week. He's already been taken advantage of, and he's never had a good history with Alphas as far as he can remember, so best not to trust any of them until they can show him that they mean no harm to him and no ill intentions. He tried to calm his breathing as his heat scent filled the entire room in a matter of minutes, no. If he knew how to lock the door than he would have done it already, but he doesn't so now he's just praying that no one entered his room, it was usually worst on the first day but to him it was all the same for the entire week. Groaning he removed himself from the floor, shaking off his jacket to the floor and crawling into his bed and under the covers. Heat at a high dose didn't like him and being under a blanket didn't help, it felt like his was in a mix of super freezing cold and super boiling hot, his body didn't function great in his heat week but now he had to take note of when this one ends to be better prepared for the next one next month. It's like a girl's period, happens for a week until the next month. He was like a girl! Well, he technically is... if four years ago wasn't being pushed to the side of his mind for a while. None could find out and he abruptly blocked off the reason from the lions, they couldn't know either. If they were already being so overprotective of him now, then he doesn't want that to double when they learn what he meant by. 

Blue and Black whined in confusion when they couldn't access to four years ago, he told them he blocked it off and he wasn't letting it free no matter how much they whined and begged, he'll let them see it when he feels like it which was probably never, he wouldn't seem them again for a while and just thinking about it made his heart clench. What was Luis doing to them when Lance wasn't there, he could be neglecting them or hurting them like he did to him. He didn't want that for them, he wanted them to have a good life where they weren't hurt, weren't neglected, weren't abandoned, he didn't want anything to happen to them. The lions questioned who them was, but he didn't answer. Not even Hunk knew his past and he trusted that Beta more than any of the others, but he didn't want something happen to him. He didn't want a repeat of five years ago and he didn't want that blood on his hands again, he didn't want to be a murderer of another innocent person. He felt the lions cuddle him and he accepted it, he's not used to this whole new experience, but he was beginning to accept it. 

The lions trusted him. Coddled him like Veronica did, gave him love he's hardly gotten before. 

They would protect him, and they would make sure he was safe. 

Lance let himself sink into the bed and the blankets covering him, they weren't super thick to keep the heat in and suffocate him but not extremely thin either, maybe Coran had taken the time to change the bedding and blankets when he had the chance. It was comfy, comfortable and hid him away. He seemed content to just hide here and never leave, wondering if he could try stalling for a full week just to suffer in his heat then be good as comfortable when it passed. No, they'd notice that something was wrong if he took an entire week confided in his room. If he said he was sick than Coran would have put him in a Pod by now, so he'll just need to do what he's always done since he got into the Garrison, take heat pills for the week then he was good to go until next month. 

He heard a knock on the metal doors separating him and whoever was outside, he gasped and tensed but whimpered when the heat became uncomfortable, surging in urges and spikes. "Lance? You in here" oh no, Keith was outside the door?! Maybe if he kept quiet then he would go away, yeah stay quiet. Keith knocked a few more times but didn't get an answer so he put his hand over the keypad, and it opened but as soon as he stepped one foot into the room, he was hit with an amazing smell that he's swore he's never smelled before, it was a like the sandy beaches with a honey touch. "What the hell-" he put his nose into his arm, he had to block the smell somehow and the strongest of where the scent was coming from was from Lance's bed. "Lance, what--" Lance looked at him fearfully with a flushed face caked in red and panting, a look he's seen only when he's getting bullied or manhandled by someone who couldn't keep their hands to themselves, however he knew for certain that he needed to leave the room now. Right now. He spun on his heel and practically ran out of the room before the doors closed and he slid down it panting there was no way, that smell, an Omega in heat. But Lance was a Beta, wasn't he? He said so himself unless... he was truly an Omega. He wasn't a Beta no wonder he lied, it was to protect himself, protect himself from the harsh reality Omegas faced on a daily basis once they're status was known. 

Earth didn't treat Omegas kindly, neither of them knew what Alteans did for Omegas, but he wasn't going to ask, and he was positive Lance wasn't going to either. But still, it only took a matter of ten seconds in Lance's room and the 2 seconds it took to run out of room, it was all a close call. If he didn't leave when he did, his inner Alpha would have taken over Lance. From what Keith's heard, Alphas take over Omegas more than they do Betas. It's instinct, and from what he's overheard, it was often. Not only were Omega percentages getting dangerously low, but even a Male Omega was just rare. Lance was rare. But he was also in danger. Any Alpha or Beta with an attitude of entitlement, could easily do some bad damage. And from what he's observed from Lance since he's known him, that it may already be too late. 

He decided to just tell the others that Lance was in his room and was asleep to just keep them out, if any of them, mainly Shiro, smelled his heat scent then something would probably go really wrong. 

After calming himself, his inner Alpha and took a few deep breaths he stood up from his place on the floor and left the door. 



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