Part 23: Quick Break to Earth

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𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝟑/𝟔/𝟐𝟒

Authors Note ↴
So, this chapter originally had 7000+ words but it somehow went up to 11000+ words so- just wanted to let you know, and I also changed the title of the chapter as well. I also am not changing the edited date as that was when I first started the chapter rewrite to that'll remain at 3/6/24.


As Lance set down his satchel, the bag that held his most prized possessions on the floor, his thoughts traced back to some memories in his head. Of two small children, ages 4 and perceived as twins due to the closeness of their birth, one with a head of white, silver hair and the other with a head of light brown hair in two low pigtails. The most abnormal thing on those children, aside from the child with silver hair, was the scale marks of light blue and cherry pink. They had Altean marks, but no one knew how. Luis was Human and Lance... Lance was Human and Galran, maybe. He's never known his mother, or more like he can't remember her. If Yjok, his father, Humanly known as Joseph, was a Galran... then was his mother also an Alien? It was possible, but at the same time it could be impossible.

So what does that mean for him? What does that make Lance? Half Human, or fully an Alien?

Behind him, he could hear soft breathing and glanced over his shoulder upon Keith's sleeping form. In Lance's opinion, seeing Keith sleep was rare most days. He often stayed up or barely got any sleep, but if Lance was sneaky enough or woke up before Keith did, then that's when he saw the man finally sleep. A soft smile made his features soften, one of the few times he's actually seen Keith sleep so as quietly as possible, he made his way over and sat on the side of the bed. He still didn't weigh a lot, and he was still severely underweight but with Hunk's Mission Mercy and the gazes on making sure he eats, was definitely helping him improve in his food intake but fighting wise? Yeah, that hasn't had any progress working as of yet due to the bad flashbacks and panic attacks that show up at the least convenient time when fighting is absolutely needed. In all due honesty, the only one who Lance is sure who knows his mother, is Yjok. If Lance was told he was from a previous marriage, then Yjok is the only one who can divulge that information but Lance knows that he'll never get it out of the man.

Whoever his mother was, Yjok was the only one who knew. But, if Yjok was a Commander to Zarkon, then maybe the Galran Emperor might know. It was a possible suggestion and at the same time, it could also be a death sentence even asking him because two possible things could happen. One, Zarkon would capture him since he seems to be after him as is right now, and Two, Lance could die by even asking such a thing. He is half-Galran, that much is true, if his abnormal cat ears and tail and the fact his hair turns silver much like Sylvio's and Allura's, is only the true evidence of that fact.

As Lance's blue eyes glanced to Keith's sleeping form, Lance pursed his lips as a suggestable thought came to the front of his mind, Earth... the place he grew up most of his life, and where most of his torture originated from. He could feel the lions rubbing against his mental state, easing him as his bad memories made his fingers twitch unintentionally. He thanked them, for Red's easing enthusiasm, Blue's cool shivers down his limbs calming his nerves, Green's spunky curiosity, Yellow's head licks and Black's calm touch with the snout of his nose. He breathed in and out, like Veronica taught him, like Rachel reminded, like how Marco hugged him in a gentle hug. Those were his siblings, Luis was not. Nor was Angela, if she can't treat two children with love and attention that they were being deprived of, then she didn't deserve to be a stepmother, or mother at all for that fact. If Lance had to glare at her to give them attention or any form of love, then what good of a wife was she? He didn't care that she was infertile, what he did care about was the fact that even though those children were half of Luis' blood and Lance's for that matter, didn't give her the right to ignore and neglect them like that.

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