Part 24: Keith is pouting

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"Holy shit," Rachel and Marco gawked at the Green mechanical lion, the kids were running around in the water in the cave with giggles and laughs, Alex had his eyes sparkling at the height and the design. He wasn't a home designer for nothing, and this just made him want to sketch the entire thing for hours. "Okay, so a mechanical lion does exist" Marco blinked, Lance chased the kids as they laughed with him grinning. Three cute people running around, this was just too pure not to see. "Pidge, when we get back, make a camera stat" Hunk whispered to her as she grinned, "Roger that" 

Sylvio yelped with a giggle as Lance picked him up, his bookbag pushing against his chest and Nadia jumped on Lance's back smiling brightly with her bunny in her arms now pressed against his neck. Rachel smiled gently at them, "First time in a while I've seen them this happy" she said, "They haven't smiled like that in a while?" Marco asked concerned, Rachel usually brought the kids to his house, but he never went back to their mother's house, not after he moved out and Veronica died at least. "No. After Lance was pronounced dead, they changed a bit. Only time they've really been happy after that was with me, or you and Alex" she explained, "Lance means a lot to them, doesn't he?" Hunk asked looking at them, "At lot more than they realize actually, it's not my place to tell but one day they'll learn the truth" Alex told them, "Is it a bad thing?" Allura asked worriedly, "Not exactly, it's more of their relation to each other" he said to somewhat ease her worry. 

"I already know what it is" Keith said, "He told you?" Pidge asked, "Before we even came back to Earth yes, I told him I wasn't letting him come back alone and that's exactly what happened" Keith told her, "Wait, you two know what they're talking about?" Shiro questioned with a raised eyebrow, "I'm his mate, he hesitated at first yes, but I know he missed them, so we came back. He told Pidge after she got out of the Pod" Keith told him nonchantly. "Am I the only one who doesn't know my best friend well enough as I thought I did?" Hunk looked upset, "He's just wary, with how his childhood is I worry if he'll be able to work around the PTSD" Marco was worried. They all were. "Your it! Catch us!" Sylvio chased after Lance and Nadia with cackles and a tone that made him try and act scary, but it was a playful chase with the trio. "Here I come! You cannot run from Sir Sylvio!" Lance snickered and timed it before spinning and picking up Sylvio as Nadia giggled loudly running back and ran around them jumping happily in the water of the small pond. 

"He's like Shiro right?" Keith questioned but Shiro shook his head, "No Keith, like I said before he and I are different. I spent a year as a prisoner of the Galra, he on the other hand was tortured physically, mentally and emotionally for years by a Galra Commander. Still a bastard in my opinion but you get the point" He explained, "You guys wanna see the inside of Green? I think she's getting antsy" Lance called out, Sylvio on his back and Nadia sitting on his hip. Despite as weak as he was for other things, carrying the kids were nothing. He carried them for 5 months each in his stomach, what's holding two four year olds going to do now? "Can we?!" Alex was excited already pulling out his sketchbook, Green was indeed getting antsy, Pidge still wondered how he could even tell about that. 

Lance grinned and walked over with the kids and Alex followed him inside. 

Marco sighed, "Be aware, there will be sketch pages everywhere since Alex is a home designer" he told them as Rachel snickered, "There will be pages upon pages everywhere" he glared in a deadpan, "Annoying hermanita" she grinned, "That's my job~" she sung as she spun around and made her way after her family. "Oh, sibling scabbles, when I find Matt, I'm annoying him to death 100%" Pidge grinned, "At this point I just worry for him" Shiro said nervously as she cackled, and the pair went into the lion with Marco following. "We should get back, oh we have to prepare the guest rooms" Allura panicked, "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it" Coran told her being the wonderful advisor he was, "I'm helping and preparing a welcome lunch" Hunk said, "Would you like some help with the food?" Allura asked, he cringed as did Coran and Keith "I don't believe you are... um" remembering the last time she tried to help with cooking, it did not end well and took a few hours to clean the mess. She huffed offended, "I am not that terrible at cooking" she whined "Yeah, then explain the last fiasco where you managed to have the entire kitchen covered in places where it shouldn't be" Keith told her flabbergasted. 

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