Part 1: Commander Yjok

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Lance wanted to cringe at the ringing in his ears, but he couldn't move. His body ached terribly, and his arm hurt more than ever. He sucked in a shaky breath and even that hurt to do. He wanted to cry, wail in the pain he was in, but refrained from doing so, he wouldn't gain more pain but doing that. Crying never saved him but he still cried. 

He heard footsteps and closed his eyes again; he heard the floorboards creaking as someone walked over him and he was kicked just a bit that he nearly winced loudly. Listening to the sounds around him he heard his father speak through something, a phone maybe? No, no, no, it was something different. "Have you located the lions?" The voice was deep and gruff almost, Lance wanted to shudder, he didn't like the sound of whoever this was. "No, not yet. I will locate them I won't let you down. Sire" his father replied sharply, who was even talking too? He dared not to move, his father couldn't know he regained consciousness, that'd be a death sentence almost if he was caught to have listened to something he shouldn't. But for some reason, the more Lance listened to the deep voice the more something pinged in his gut. This... man, sounded familiar almost. Foreign, but familiar. Without seeing the face, he wouldn't be able to tell. "You are to locate the lions and bring them to me, your mission is still clear. Do you understand Commander Yjok?" The demanded order was clear and stern, but Lance was confused, Commander Yjok? No, his father's name was Jospeh McClain. Who names someone Yjok much less Commander in this day and age. "Understand, Sire. Vrepit Sa!" What does that even mean! "Vrepit Sa. Do not fail me, Commander Yjok" he heard the voice disappear and his father chuckle, "I will find those lions and bring them to you, Emperor Zarkon. Don't you worry. I may even add in a little mistake I've got as a prize" Lance froze but kept his eyes closed. He could fear returning to his limbs; however, he remained still as if he was still unconscious. 

Jospeh grabbed Lance by his shoulder and limply, Lance was held in the air, begging himself not to show any emotion or jerk from the pain. "You are a prize worth the same amount as those lions, and once you've been trained enough, you'll never even think to disobey an order by your owner. I'll make sure to it" he could hear the grin and he was scared, forcing his body to remain limp. He needed to remain limp for as long as possible. Veronica came home today from an overnight shift, and he knew she'd be livid if she ever found out the truth. 

He could feel his father walking and the creaking of the stairs, seems they were going upstairs, and he prayed that nothing else would happen, he basically pleaded to whatever god there was that nothing else was going to happen and thankfully nothing did. He was tossed in his room, his body rolling painfully on the floor and the door shut with a click. Great, the door was locked. But at least he could move now. 

Pain filled him completely as he whimpered quietly, it hurt. It hurt so much! But he needed to see the damage, he knew his arm was either broken or sprained but he didn't know which it was however he knew the pain he just couldn't decipher which pain it was. Guess he'd have to ask Veronica when she came home. He's the only one he can really, really trust. She was his sister, his mentor, his best friend. She was his safe place, Joseph prevented doing anything to show injury on Lance when Veronica was there, he prevented that, but she was the only one in the dark of what was happening within the walls of the McClain house. And he was afraid for tomorrow, it was presentation day. Status was everything. Alphas were considered royalty. Betas were the normal folk. And Omegas were treated like dirt from what he's heard. He prayed, hoped even, that he wasn't going to be an Omega, he'll be doomed to death if he presented that status. 

Sighing he shifted so that he was resting against his bed, thanks to Veronica not taking crap from anyone, not even their parents, she bought him a better bed like hers and a few other things, but she did notice how Jospeh liked to single him out and vowed not to be that kind of person. He loves his big sister. Feeling his arm to try and figure out the pain, he pressed down and shut his eyes tightly and inhaled sharply, definitely broken. Oh boy, this was just great. He needed to put it back into place, looking around he caught sight of one of his old shirts that Luis destroyed and snagged it, ripping it apart with his non-broken hand and his teeth before he again used his teeth to tie it tightly above the area where the bone was broken before he took a breath. Make this quick without shouting out in pain, he could do this. He's done it before which was sadly last week, and he had to do the same thing now. Just breathe. He could do it. 

Grabbing his arm and inhaling slowly biting his lip, he pushed in and wanted to yell and cry, the pain was too much it hurt. He wanted it to end. Slowly the pain began to descend into painful tingling sensations but at least the bigger pain was gone, why did the presentation have to be tomorrow? His arm needed at least a full week to heal completely. 

Feeling around he could still feel the pain but not as bad as when it was broken so, good news on that part. Bad news is that Veronica's going to see his arm in pain and the other injuries. Oh man, he didn't want her to know, she'd blow a fuse and she has a temper. He could hear the front door open and Veronica calling out in Spanish, oh man, he's doomed. 



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