30: Grey

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Tears welled in Josette's eyes, "Please

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Tears welled in Josette's eyes, "Please." she whispered, and their hands were about to touch when Lev appeared out of nowhere and slowed her fall. Josette closed her eyes, the sound of the body hitting the ground echoing in her ears.

Lev gently landed her next to Dumbledore. She dared not open her eyes, instead turning around and forcefully removing Lev from her shoulders, "What have you done?!" she screamed, "I could have saved him!!"

Lev whimpered and attempted to explain himself.

"Save me? I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. I DON'T NEED YOU." Josette retorted.

He tried to justify his actions, believing he had done what was right. Josette recklessly jumped after Dumbledore, and Lev couldn't simply stand by and watch her die. Hurt by her words he took off and vanished into the dark sky.

Josette would later regret her outburst once her anger subsides.

"You should not have yelled at that poor soul," Josette heard Dumbledore's voice.

She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to turn around and face his ghost. For a brief moment, she hoped to see Dumbledore alive and well instead of a translucent, bluish figure. Oh but what she hoped rarely happened.

Do not cry, she told herself. Do not cry for him. He wronged you. "Why?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Why?" Dumbledore feigned ignorance, fully aware of what she was referring to.

"Why did Severus do this? What did you tell him?" Josette asked, her patience slowly wearing thin.

"Me? Why would I plan my own death?" Dumbledore questioned. "You witnessed it with your own eyes, yet you still believe he is innocent."

"Yes, yes, he is innocent. You... I cannot do this..." Tears began streaming down her face. "Please, Albus..." She fell to her knees, the adrenaline fading and her legs trembling. Then it dawned on her that if Lev had not saved her, she could have died. She would never have the chance to see Sirius again, or Harry, or any of her friends. The fear of death overwhelmed her, and she completely broke down, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably.

Then another realization struck her. She had conversed with Dumbledore during their fall. Severus' spell did not kill him; the fall did. Dumbledore could have cast 'arresto momentum' and save himself, but he chose not to. He had truly planned his own death. However, Josette was too consumed by her own emotions to engage in an argument with him.

Dumbledore tried doing what he did best, comfort people. He kneeled down and was about to touch her when she backed away. "Don't...don't touch me. I can't...let you...to the other side... not until you.. tell me everything." She spoke between sobs.

"Very well..." he slowly stood up. "We shall simply talk, alright?" He asked in a soft voice, "Take deep breaths..." Josette complied with his instructions, taking deep breaths. "We will talk, tell me what you had for dinner?"

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